• Neptium
    1 year ago

    Yeah, legit. They have no fundamental understanding of these countries or their culture because they never lived there nor invest the time to even begin to understand them.

    They would rather rely on their implicit chauvinistic first impressions (inculcated by centuries of propaganda) than try to even even extend their empathy towards a region with 250million people and not dehumanise them.

    Unironically reading “theory” made me understand this and also made me more optimistic and hopeful on the future than the pessimist that I was a few years back.

    Edit: Ok apparently MENA has nearly 500million people now. I am not sure where I got the 250million figure.

    • Average PFLP Enjoyer
      1 year ago

      icl it can sometimes seep it’s way into leftist spaces too when they go on the whole “marxism and religion aren’t compatible” tirades. so dehumanising. i just wish people would stop talking about things they know nothing about is it too much to ask 🥲

      • @VictimOfReligion@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        For fuck’s sake, I’m so tired of this nonsensical oxymoron of “religious marxism”. Religious leftists are the theocracist equivalent of Frankfurters and SocDems at least, and even Nazbols/PatSocs.

            • Average PFLP Enjoyer
              181 year ago

              i’m muslim, i organise whenever I can, i commit so much time to socialist causes, i’ve spent whole days reading theory - but because I pray salah i’m not a valid Marxist? who are you to tell religious people what their religions can and cannot mean?

                • Seanchaí (she/her)
                  1 year ago

                  Could you seriously lay off with this? Just because you were personally victimised by a religion doesn’t make you right in being a complete fucking asshole to everyone else. There are people with faith. get the fuck over it. Not a single socialist nation bans religion (Albania tried, and look how that worked out). There’s nothing revolutionary about being a jerk to literally 70% of the workers on the planet because you disagree with their spirituality, and there’s nothing materialist about saying Marxism is incompatible with religion. Get off your high horse and start working with people.

                  Anecdotally, I’ve found exponentially more religious people at mutual aid groups and protests than atheists, and we can work together no problem to help people regardless of whether I believe the same as them or not.

                  Edit: the most generous estimate is 750 million atheists worldwide, which is literally less than 10% of the population, though other studies show it at closer to 3% of the population, so imagine trying to alienate over 90% of the world and saying you stand for the people

                  • Oh, yeah, and one many liberals are there? What an atrocious ad populum falacy, wanting to omit Dialectical Materialism in favor of Idealistic Reactionary rethoric.

                • BinkieT55
                  101 year ago

                  Idk trying to convince people to renounce their faith doesn’t seem right to me, all of my family is religious and religion plays a big role in their lives.

                  • Religion is an ideology you like or not. History didn’t began in the Industrial Revolution, and religion IS a classist system too. Older and worse systems appeared before capitalism, such as feudalism and theocracy. Yet you seem to have forgot tons of Marxist observations regarding this.