• @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
    02 years ago

    teach them how to deal with bullies

    There is no dealing with bullies. They’re like war zones. You don’t bring your children into the bunker, sit them down and say “now kids, it’s important to know when to duck, elsewise you’ll catch some shrapnel to the brainpain and be dead”.

    If someone said that unironically, you’d think they were some sort of microcephalous imbecile. Rightly so, too.

    But here you are talking about another sort of trauma as if it’s something that can be “dealt with”. You watch too many movies where the still-attractive-enough-to-be-on-screen bully hugs the victim at the end and they make up and become best friends. Lucky you, I guess. Never had to experience it firsthand.

    and also maintain close communication with teachers and other staff so that these situations do not happen

    For fuck’s sake, sometimes the teachers and the staff are in on it. Or they are the bullies. Do you think that the teacher’s union is going to step out of the way when you complain?

    Do you think that a teacher that is a bully is stupid enough to bully all the kids? Since it’s just some, some of the time, then when you complain about your children being harassed, mistreated, and abused the other parents will say “gee, he’s never done that to my kid, maybe you’re a Karen!”. And that will be the end of it.

    Anti-bully programmes still have a lot to evolve

    They’re PR. If a school can claim they have an “anti-bully program”, then they have Teflon armor if someone does complain. And it doesn’t matter if they’re effective or not.

    And how could they be effective? No one even understands the sociology of bullying well enough to know why it happens, or if it is feasible to prevent it from happening (probably not if schools are scaled up past a certain size, a size that even the smallest schools grew past a century ago).

    Ultimately, I don’t think homeschooling is a good idea; school isn’t just a place for learning, it’s also a place for socialization

    As for “socialization”, no one has ever been able to objectively define what this process is to me. It’s always defined by where they believe it to occur, and somehow it’s impossible for it to occur anywhere else. Apparently socialization just didn’t occur prior to the advent of Prussian-style schooling, and all humans were feral savages sometime before the 1920s.

    Taking that away from a growing human being can have serious repercussions later down the line.

    You don’t even believe this horseshit yourself. If we were to talk about some child of a person who travels for a living, bringing the kid along, you rant and rave about the incredible educational opportunity that kid has. They get to see the world, exotic locations, be exposed to foreign languages, constantly reading books (because not much else is so portable). But of course, such children are the children of elites, and they both deserve such and can be trusted with that.

    The children of people of more modest means, fuck them. Force them into the inner-city medium-security school. You know what’s best for them, and it’s a 12 year dose of crippling bureaucracy, starvation-level education rations, and abuse.

    • Amicese
      12 years ago

      They’re PR. If a school can claim they have an “anti-bully program”

      That thought never entered my mind until you said it. It’s a lot more believable than I thought.