Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there. Take off your shoes. I’m not cleaning mud off the floor. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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  • DankZedong
    171 year ago

    One of our party officials came out today saying Stalin is a mass murderer, but that he also did good thing for the proletarian movement. Which, between this, ‘Stalin is a bad guy and should be banned from our thought’, and ‘Stalin did nothing wrong’ has to be the dumbest take on the topic you can get. Because right now you are saying you have no problem with a genociding maniac. Like, what do you want to gain with this.

    Our national politics and statements are solid, but the party is weird on foreign topics sometimes. The same goes with Uyghurs, which the party just ignores when it comes up. They support China on this but will never outright say that. I get that it would make you an easy target but sometimes you’ve got to come out for your views.

    It caused some trouble within the party today.