It looks like the CIA is doing more to fight the information war than banning subreddits and commanding bot farms.

    201 year ago

    Several parts of this seem a little far fetched. Why not just have the guy delivering parcels shank him or a group of police knock on the door and escort him to jail? Is this man genuinely so dangerous you need an organised SWAT raid with breaching charges and a battle plan?

    I’ve had police do a no-warrant search of my flat before. Was it illegal? Who knows, but there were like 20 men with assault rifles who made themselves welcome, like what could I realistically do? If they wanted to plant something they could’ve and then arrested me. In my case they didn’t find anything and said sorry for the bother and left after four hours.

      161 year ago

      what could I realistically do?

      You say, excuse me sirs (and ma’ams), but don’t you know I voted.

    • Arsen6331 ☭
      81 year ago

      If this did actually happen, I don’t think their goal would be to actually organize a raid. I think it would be more to make him seem mentally ill in order to discredit him, or make him feel that way, in order to stop him from writing answers.

        21 year ago

        That’s reasonable. Is the man known besides his Quora username? Would a news article about him be of interest to anyone or be read by someone who would then go on to recognise his Quora persona?