TL;DR: It’s a co-op roguelike. Drop in, explore the map, survive 3 days and beat a unique boss.

Once you buy it you get access to the complete package, and there are no battle passes or microtransactions to contend with. It can also be played in singleplayer should you wish to stay offline, with enemy health pools that scale down so that it’s not too overwhelming for solo players (although curiously, there are currently no plans to allow players to play in pairs).

  • DrSteveBrule
    3 months ago

    I agree that the bonfire mechanics and level design resemble dark souls, but the mechanics are nothing like dark souls to me. I’ve played all the games as well. Fallen order isisn’t 1:1 with those games, but closer to them than dark souls. Combat is very forgiving and cinematic. It was made to look like darksouls, but the combat didn’t come close. Maybe kingdom hearts combat would be a better comparison. Still easy to get fucked up if you don’t know what your doing, but once you get the hang of it you can just mow down everyone no problem