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  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    171 year ago

    There’s talks about a flare up in hostilities around Korean peninsula, in Serbia and Taiwan strait. Are we actually going to see global war in our lifetime?

    • @Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
      121 year ago

      I’ve been keeping up on the Serbian one. The conflict has a history of bluster from both sides. Kosovo (created out of thin air by NATO to occupy a part of the heart of Yugoslavia in the 90s) tends to send it’s troops, cops, etc…into the northern section of their occupied space which has a lot of ethnic Serbs living there, which under a treaty signed in the 2000s is to be controlled and patrolled by Serbia. This time Kosovo arrested a Serb in the northern space, a police captain IIRC, and in response the Serbs put up barricades on the edge of the space with non-Serb Kosovo and have said (and done so far) that they will not get rid of the barricades until their officer is released. Then Kosovo and Armenian forces (who are supposed to be banned from the space under the same treaty and have a history with the Serbs) stormed and took over a municipal building in the ethnic Serb occupied Kosovo area, further raising tensions. The demand that they leave said building was added to the demands of the barricade protesters. The Serbian president has ordered Serbian forces to the boarder, Kosovo has ordered their forces (including Armenian forces) to the boarder. Both are threatening to invade. NATO has sent a letter to Serbia telling them to allow Kosovo to take down the barricades and take over Serbia. The deadline to reply was tonight, so far I haven’t received any updates. Russia has said a few times now they will support Serbia in the event of invasion by Kosovo, Armenia, and/or NATO. A Russian peacekeeping troop was forced from their building in the northern occupied space and the building was burned down earlier this year. There has been gun shots and explosions on and off for months now. Much of this has been repeated time and time again although from what I know of the situation the ultimatum from NATO is new.

        • @Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
          41 year ago

          They could. Some other questions come up as well; Should they? Should Russia? Will China get involved? What would the overall outcome either way for the geopolitical position of the EU? The US seems determined to destroy Europe’s economic sovereignty and make them a poor and dependent region so it’s within their interests to start another conflict in the region. Should they? No, but this has never stopped them before. Should Russia open another front? I wish I had all of the information the Russian Ministry of Defense has because they are very secretive and do things in a matter according to a game of chess. I cannot say but let’s hope they have learned from Afghanistan. Will China get involved? Tough to say, they have a backup consumption link in America, and have been doing a lot in Africa lately. It depends if Europe is detrimental to the CPC’s plan for China’s development. Again I wish I knew more. These are all aspects of the situation in Kosovo and Serbia. Isn’t it interesting how one isolated conflict is in fact interconnected to the most complex aspects of our global economy…

      • SovereignState
        1 year ago

        Wow! Echoing comrade Shrike502’s thanks. I’m at least glad to see Serbia refusing to grin and bear (or aid and abet) the continued assault against their sovereignty like so many of the comprador governments in the region do. It is absolutely horrifying contemplating what the hawks will do to escalate (or more hopefully de-escalate).

        If I had to guess, Kosovo has outlived its unconditional allyship and usefulness if it threatens provoking a full blown NATO-Russia war by illegally continuing to expand its borders. While currently occupied by NATO, they’re not considered a member state, right? So the hawks getting involved would probably look a lot like how they’ve been involved in Ukraine, I think, at least I hope. The NATO presence already established there does make it more volatile.

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          51 year ago

          Or perhaps Kosovo is about to perform the function it was created to do - cause chaos in Europe by creating another hot spot

        • @Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
          31 year ago

          My pleasure. From what I have been told by Serbians and others intimate with the situation there, Kosovo is like Ukraine in the sense that it does not make a move without NATO’s order. They interpret this as a NATO aggression. The purpose is unclear. A distraction? A second front in the Russian campaign? An attempt to gain more of a stranglehold on the EU in that area? No one is sure but there is understandably a lot of anger over this action.

    • I can think of three scenarios where we avoid global nuclear war:

      • Amerika accepts that it can no longer be the global hegemon and doesn’t fire nuclear weapons; highly unlikely in my estimation
      • the people in charge of firing Amerika’s nuclear weapons decide not to because they have some sliver of common sense; hopefully a bit more feasible
      • some country in the anti-imperialist bloc (e.g. China) manages to prevent Amerika’s nuclear weapons from being fired and/or detonated; no clue if this is possible
      • @Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
        91 year ago

        Russia’s hypersonic missiles and new splice missile system can hit America. America’s missile defense system cannot stop these missiles from landing and in the case they are somehow able to, the splice system has accounted for that, they won’t be able to stop enough of them. Right now Russia has the capability of preemptively destroying the US outright without it having a chance to retaliate much if at all in response. I wouldn’t worry too much about a nuclear war, it would be more like a nuclear battle and then a very quick surrender by the rest of NATO.

        The real question is what would that kind of detonation do to the environment? Modern nuclear weapons minimize fallout to maximize impact so there is a possibility Earth may not be screwed in this case, however this is a question for professional and non-hysterical scientists to answer. (So not the ones on Reddit)

      • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        81 year ago

        some country in the anti-imperialist bloc (e.g. China) manages to prevent Amerika’s nuclear weapons from being fired and/or detonated; no clue if this is possible

        Pretty sure that is impossible. China’s been working on some kinda algorithms for intercepting missiles, I think, but there’s just too many shit out there. Not to mentioned automated systems in other countries that would detect a launch and call for a retalitory strike.

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      61 year ago

      Not to mention the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict; the RAND corporation literally released a paper some time ago listing all the places where NATO could cause conflict to potentially weaken Russia

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      61 year ago

      Perhaps. The Global North and South are destined for and are currently in conflict right now, and it will happen regardless of whether it will actually spill into war or not.

    • @_KOSMONAUT@lemmygrad.ml
      41 year ago

      I don’t know what form it’ll take, but I do think we will. Revolutions have almost always come out of war, as the culmination of contradictions, so I’m optimistic that as long as we don’t have a significant nuclear exchange that the current world order will be overturned.