I discovered Resonate today, immediately became a member and have been discovering lovely new music all evening.

I quit Spotify a few years ago when I realized that most artists get pennies while a few really big names get enormous payouts.

Seeing an artist and user owned streaming service, completely open sourced under GPL 3.0 and with a thriving community where everything is developed in the open – it really made my day.

Yes, their catalogue is still tiny compared to every other streaming service, but the music I have listened to today is of really good quality. I will still listen to and buy music from other services like Bandcamp, but I became a member of Resonate also because I really want such a service to exist and thrive!

What do you think?

  • @abbenm@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Thank you for recommending this! This is exactly the kind of thing I hope to find on Lemmy.’ I wanted to figure out how much it costs because it’s a little unclear even on the pricing page. But I see it looks like to pay as you stream up to $11.20.

    I will say, I love this way of thinking about their catalog:

    the explorer

    “I want something new every day.”

    10€ ($11.20) at Resonate provides around 4 hours of listening a day – 30 days a month – to wander our catalog.

    How can you say a catalog is limited when you get 4 hours of new music a day?? It’s a good way of thinking of it.

    It doesn’t appear to be FOSS, but they do say under “what’s next”:

    How can we support and collaborate with each other, not just between artists and listeners, but across like-minded platforms?