I’m reading here:
As Starlink’s user base grows, the Iranian government is likely to intensify efforts to restrict satellite internet access.
How could they do so?
I’m reading here:
As Starlink’s user base grows, the Iranian government is likely to intensify efforts to restrict satellite internet access.
How could they do so?
Why specifically upload?
I meant “transmit from your starlink antenna”, so my brain just chose the word “upload” because my brain is lazy… 😅
So… to clarify: sending a request for “wikipedia.org” is still gonna transmit, which means they will find you, even if you aren’t “uploading”
Wouldn’t that signal be comparatively pretty weak, and difficult to parse from surrounding radiation?
Not really, flying over it with an detector would spot the frequency used pretty handily.
Starlink transmits in a relatively narrow frequency band that wouldn’t have a lot of transmitters (14-14.5ghz) in a random urban area. It also transmits pretty broadly, because it needs to hit a wide area of the sky because of moving satellites.
You’d get some false positives with a detector drone, but not that many.