Its insane.
Its insane.
Beautiful story. Thank you.
I missed that one. Poop knife?
Why specifically upload?
Pretty pretty
Im not on Twitter. Is this real?
Where is this book banned for children for being a bad influence?
Is this true? Can anyone confirm this?
Looks cool, but maybe not put (what could be easily seen as) a racist charicature as a top example.
Cooking is a good idea yes. Thanks!
Thank you. I love this idea.
No need. I do speak it well enough for normal conversation. I dont get all the local word jokes and sayings, but most of I understand.
I already do. (The family doesn’t speak English so there is no other way.)
I do speak their language. Not fluently but enough to have a normal conversation.
This is pure art.
I dont want to watch the YouTube video. Does anyone have a link to a news article that covers this?