A while back he claimed one amount was 8 Billion USD and it turned out to be 8 Million. Their total savings at that point was $6 bn usd after correcting for errors. One Republican Congressman took the time to print out charts about how abso-fucking-lutely nothing that amount was. He then proceeded to vote yea on the tax cuts for the rich later on.
Oh, I absolutely made the assumption in my calculation that he wasn’t lying. He can’t even lie a meaningful amount his administration has supposedly saved.
But you and I both know the dopes who voted for him ate. that. shit. up.
You’re also assuming he was truthing about the savings amount. He wasn’t. lol
A while back he claimed one amount was 8 Billion USD and it turned out to be 8 Million. Their total savings at that point was $6 bn usd after correcting for errors. One Republican Congressman took the time to print out charts about how abso-fucking-lutely nothing that amount was. He then proceeded to vote yea on the tax cuts for the rich later on.
Oh, I absolutely made the assumption in my calculation that he wasn’t lying. He can’t even lie a meaningful amount his administration has supposedly saved.
But you and I both know the dopes who voted for him ate. that. shit. up.
Yeah, absolutely. They would rather be given reason to feel like they’re better than others than live in reality.