People who claim to have gone from a “Marxist”(which I doubt they ever had a real understanding of) to anarchist don’t make any sense. Do these people think ignoring the national and global level of the problem will better address it? Do they think the oligarchy won’t equally quell your pitiful attempt at anarchism with tanks and artillery the same as any other attempt to break free of the system?

How could anyone think anarchism could address climate change more effectively when it’s incapable of removing the capitalist system from power as we see throughout history?

    251 year ago

    Do these people think ignoring the national and global level of the problem will better address it? Do they think the oligarchy won’t equally quell your pitifully anarchist attempt with tanks and artillery the same as any other attempt to break free of the system?

    Judging from their comments in the pic, it seems more like they’ve given up on addressing the problem at all. Both posters are resigned to climate change destroying the world.

      1 year ago

      And here we see the difference. A genuine Marxist-Leninist will always have revolutionary optimism in their heart because they understand the objective material and historical forces that compel the capitalist-imperialist system into ever worsening crises, with each one having greater and greater potential to lead to the collapse of the whole rotten system under the weight of its contradictions. It is the duty of the revolutionary cadre to ensure that when the inevitable revolutionary moment comes there exists a revolutionary vanguard with a mass base that is sufficiently organized, militant, educated and class conscious to seize power and build a workers’ state.

      We will struggle, we will fight and we will win. But in order to win we have to first believe that we can. Anarchism, doomerism, defeatism, all of these are tools that the ruling class uses to try and suppress and neuter our revolutionary potential. But all of these psyops cannot change the objective realities.

      The climate crisis will only accelerate the collapse of capitalism, while attempts to violently re-assert imperial control and double down on the exploitation of the global south in compensation for falling rates of profits in the core will only create more resistance and lead to the quicker loss of imperial hegemony.

      Socialism will win. And when it does it will build a world that can coexist in harmony with the natural environment. China is showing us every day with its achievements that it can be done and it will be done.