I would like to create icons to link my lemmy, peertube, and mastodon instances to each other.

I’ve managed to achieve this for Lemmy and PeerTube without much of a hassle by creating the SVG icons and duplicating the code for the donate symbol (lemmy) and the about symbol (peertube):



I thought I would be able to use the same logic to modify the menu bar in Mastodon, but I must say I am very confused by it. I can’t find the files that hold the icons, the syntax is un-intuitive for me, and it seems that there are several levels of files calling each other before finally producing the icon on the page.


While trying to figure out where the SVG files are stored, I found this issue: Consider: SVG for icons?

Here, I learned that Mastodon uses something called “Webfonts” to generate the icons. From that issue it appears that they never transitioned into using SVG. I can’t find much about how to work with this format - what is this? What would the workflow be like for finding the webfont file and creating a new icon? Any suggestions?


  • SalamanderOPA
    1 year ago

    OK. I managed to hack a solution! It is not pretty… I had trouble exporting and importing SVG files with javascript, but in the end I managed to save the SVG files as “optimized SVGs” from inkscape and then added the full svg block directly.

    This is the code I am using to insert the lemmy and peertube logos into mastodon.

    File: /live/app/javascript/mastodon/features/ui/components/navigation_panel.js

            {(signedIn || timelinePreview) && (
                <a class="column-link column-link--transparent"  href='https://mander.xyz/' title='Mander'>
                    <svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='18' height='18'>
                    <g transform="translate(0 -581.3)">
                     <g transform="matrix(3.7795 0 0 3.7795 1.3231e-7 -1615.7)">
                      <path d="m3.1714 582.78c-1.0813-1e-3 -1.9955 0.36074-1.9998 1.6325 0.084577 0.89517 0.74302 1.5135 1.5102 1.7015-0.020224-0.0562-0.030624-0.11545-0.030744-0.17517 6e-6 -0.28737 0.23297-0.52033 0.52034-0.52034 0.28738 0 0.52036 0.23296 0.52036 0.52034-1.326e-4 0.0599-0.010591 0.11938-0.03095 0.17574 0.64075-0.16152 1.2241-0.65872 1.4895-1.5777 0.17464-1.0485-0.89763-1.7558-1.9789-1.7569z" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width=".1768"/>
                      <circle cx="3.1714" cy="585.93" r=".52035" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width=".16199"/>
                      <path d="m1.982 585.84c-0.017178 9e-3 -0.38052 0.50231-0.38052 0.50231" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width=".221"/>
                      <path d="m1.4506 585.35c-0.019152-2e-3 -0.58581 0.23226-0.58581 0.23226" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width=".221"/>
                      <g transform="matrix(-.0442 0 0 .0442 7.7889 577.57)" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="5">
                       <path d="m78.091 187.1c-0.38865 0.19474-8.6091 11.365-8.6091 11.365"/>
                       <path d="m66.069 176.21c-0.43331-0.035-13.254 5.2547-13.254 5.2547"/>
                      <path d="m4.5922 583.19c0.31421 0.23256 0.55502 0.58914 0.59999 0.98479 0.028561 4e-3 0.028173-0.0421 0.058119-0.0421 0.48123 0.0306 1.3617-0.71481 0.80585-1.3798-0.47075-0.45528-1.3335-0.0137-1.464 0.43711z" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width=".2318"/>
                      <path d="m0.2938 582.75c-0.55587 0.66502 0.32462 1.4105 0.80585 1.3798 0.031443 0 0.03696-0.0257 0.066871-0.0301 0.064288-0.44499 0.30262-0.80081 0.59216-1.0093-0.25824-0.55855-1.0712-0.75506-1.4649-0.34041z" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width=".2318"/>
                      <circle cx="2.2098" cy="584.98" r=".2816"/>
                      <circle cx="4.1219" cy="584.98" r=".2816"/>
                  <span>     Mander</span>
                <a class="column-link column-link--transparent"  href='https://bolitoglossa.com/' title='Mander'>
                    <svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='18' height='18'>
                      <path d="M 7.381127,1.35066 V 12.11652 L 14.916093,6.733589 Z" fill='#ffffff' />
                      <path d="m 7.381127,12.110855 v 10.76586 l 7.534966,-5.382931 z" fill='#ffffff'/>
                      <path d="m 14.931673,6.730757 v 10.76586 l 7.53497,-5.382931 z" fill='#ffffff'/>
                  <span>     Bolitoglossa</span>