Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.::America’s ban on incandescent light bulbs, 16 years in the making, is finally a reality. Well, mostly.

  • @protist
    3510 months ago

    Is your point we should not be taking steps to decrease electricity usage because this step by itself doesn’t fix the entire problem?

    • ᚲᛇᛚ᛫ᛞᚨᛞᛁ
      3610 months ago

      People will complain about climate change than complain about LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ATTEMPT to improve it. Isnt this what people are always saying needs to happen?? That individual action isnt the way but we need legislature to fix everything? What did people think would happen if governments try to fight climate change? That our lives would in no way shape or form be affected?