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  • DankZedong
    91 year ago

    Intensely follow a court case about a local serial killer for the last two days. The guy killed and raped four women in the 90s (while already having committed multiple crimes before and it’s unclear if he did so afterwards). Finally got arrested in 2017 when he had to give up DNA because he stole some metal for his company (he was a window cleaner). It matched with DNA found on his latest victim.

    The case had it all. He already admitted to two of the murders but remained silent on the first two. Eventually a daughter of his second victim held a speech and he suddenly confesses everything. Even the judge was confused for a second.

    He was a typical serial killer. Father abused all of his daughters and beat him. Youth filled with trouble and crime. Abusive relationships later on. Started small with theft, eventually got into sexual violence and later on killed random women. Great insight in how society failed him and he also failed society. All these things were not taken into account for the verdict.

    There were very gruesome details being reported, lots of emotional speeches by victims’ families, his own lawyers who basically didn’t even begin to prove his innocence after he confessed and eventually the verdict, which is life in prison.

    I don’t know why I did this to myself lol. I’m exhausted.

    • JucheBot1988
      31 year ago

      Great insight in how society failed him and he also failed society.

      The USSR had one high-profile serial killer: Andrei Chikatilo, who committed most of his crimes during the 1980s – the period of perestroika – and was finally caught (and executed) in the 90s. At the time, people widely considered his crimes a symptom of the breakdown of society attendant on market liberalization.