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  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    81 year ago

    So there’s a video going around the net. Supposedly Wagner soldiers adress the MoD and criticize it for “cutting them off from supply lines” and not providing them with enough artillery and tank munitions. IF the video is real, and those are indeed Wagner soldiers, there are two matters of note:

    1. It comes on top of several stories of the same soldiers being victorious in several battles, capturing villages and crossroads. Often after heavy fighting. This begs the question of visibility of the Wagner group and the nerve to address the MoD in this fashion (compared to reports from regular army). It almost looks like a PR campaign.

    2. Apparently Wagner, a “private security firm” as it is listed legally, has its own howitzer artillery, anti-tank artillery, friggin tanks, fighter jets and air defences. Sounds a bit too much for people not part of the military.