I have always wanted to ask such questions, as such projects come from a different kind of crowd, internet anarchists with a free world utopia in mind. Since these projects are also used by Chinese netizens, what do people think about this?

While Tor Project was DARPA made, many people benefit from it. Same goes for internet preservation projects, since internet is largely a creation of West.

I seek the perspective of native mainlanders and Chinese born here importantly, because I have not seen this being discussed anywhere.

Edit: I hate how armchair westerners have an issue with letting this topic be discussed calmly.

  • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    If you think using a VPN is illegal, here’s a challenge for you.

    Point to the law.

    That simple. The laws are all available online. Point to it.

    • overflow
      -12 years ago

      If you think using a vpn is legal here’s a challenge for you please download an unauthorised vpn and report it to a police officer

      • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        I use an unauthorized VPN and have done so in the presence of officials. They honestly don’t give a shit. (One of them asked me for the name of it so he could use it.)

        So, ball’s back in your court Sparks. Point to the law. You claim there is a law. Substantiate it.