Country: The Netherlands

And… can I use them to make a herbal tea? They smell nice.

  • SalamanderOPA
    210 months ago

    Cool! I’ll read about it.

    Tilia tea I’ve tried, but I think I used Tilia americana. I remember that that tee might possibly help to sleep.

    The Alliaria petiolata I do see a lot around where I live! There is also a park nearby that has carpets of Allium ursinum, which also taste like garlic. I really like them.

    Achillea millefolium is suuuuper common now and easy to find. Such a great list! Thanks again :D

      210 months ago

      I cannot confirm nor deny that I have relocated some Allium ursinum from my local forest to my garden 😅 I have some herb butter I made with it in the fridge now! I make a lot in the spring, and put it in the freezer in small batches for later.

      • SalamanderOPA
        210 months ago

        I have some herb butter I made with it in the fridge now!

        Mmmmm, sounds delicious!