An American spy plane flying in international airspace above the South China Sea had a close encounter with a Chinese fighter jet last week, in what US officials claim was an “unprofessional intercept.”

Lol. Lmao even.

A Chinese pilot carried out an “unnecessarily aggressive” maneuver, flying his J-16 fighter just in front of the nose of a US RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft, the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) alleged on Tuesday. The command posted a video clip of the incident, purporting to show the J-16 passing in front of the US plane and causing the RC-135’s cockpit to shake in the turbulence of its wake.

“The RC-135 was conducting safe and routine operations over the South China Sea in international airspace, in accordance with international law,” INDOPACOM said. “The United States will continue to fly, sale and operate – safely and responsibly – wherever international law allows.”

Also the US: enters Russia’s airspace every other week

The statement added that US forces will continue to fly “with due regard for the safety of all vessels and aircraft under international law. We expect all countries in the Indo-Pacific region to use international airspace safely and in accordance with international law.”

No one asking what the US is doing there in the first place.

    711 months ago

    It is ironic how the Western European diaspora fake news accuse China for military presence in international territories with the claim that military presence means territorial takeover when the Western European diaspora states had deployed military force in international territories. The NATO could justify military occupation of neutral territories with the claim that they are engaging in ‘security’ work which contradicts the logics of their criticism towards the military presence of countries that oppose the USA. The fact that the USA is deploying military force in secret without consent or notification to the international community means that they commit greater violation of international law than their alleged criticism towards China.