Less people can afford to drive is a long term catalyst for making sustainable cities. A surprise, but a welcome one!

(Yes, buses and subways use gas, but not as much as 12 individual cars going to the same location)

  • @xpladv570@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    there are too many cars yes, but because how shit the public transportation is in most places, and that neolibs centralized all the wealth to big cities, the working class does not have a choice. not to mention that in this glorious time of wealth and prosperity you now need two adults on full time to provide a living of any kind to a family. that means two cars.

    remote work can remedy this and all power to people who like that but i refuse to bring my work home, in any way.

    the masters created the conditions and the slaves have to get the bread somehow. go figure. so dont blame us. the changes must come from the top. the leadership must take the charge and responsibility. this is how things work in most organizations. but of course, crapitalism must be the reverse, even if the bottom has 0 power. somehow every single fucking problem is our responsibility, never the bourgeois.