• Not to mention the submission of women, racism (remember that Jesus compared a Canaanite woman to a dog, and remember how a dog is considered in the Hebrew tradition and the Bible as a whole. Also remember that “good Samaritan” was the equivalent of today saying “the good n-word”), how it was all about waiting for a magical happening for the end of the world, about never being revelious, about being faithful to masters, about not being “part of the world”, about how non-believing is the worst sin… People think that material history began in Industrial Revolution, and completely making a blind eye when speaking about fucking religion, like if it was something special, and never tackle where religion came from. Nice way to promote theocracist opportunists and alienate victims of religion (hence my nick)

    • Well we do have many examples of christian majority socialist countries. Well, we DID, since all of them except Cuba were destroyed and in all the fallen ones christianity was always 5th column.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Yes, they absolutely reached socialist in spite of religion, my point was that religion is always at best wary of marxism, and is usually very hostile, and the hostility level is proportional to the wealth and influence of religion. Another point is that it was demonstrated and proven that christianity is not very compatible with socialism, not in theory nor in practice.

          Mentioning Cuba again and broadly entire continent, i naturally admit that catholic church in latin America is better than in Europe, but it still wallows in bootlicking and support for dictators, and i wonder what would cuban church do if the socialist government weakened.