like, if i’m feeling bad but force myself to do something, i usually feel better. how to maintain the usefulness of this advice without presenting it as ‘fuck your feelings’, in that usual arrogant right wing sort of way

  • Lvxferre
    4 months ago

    I’m confused what you mean by your mini-rant. Are you asserting that “fuck your feelings” and “man up” are not right wing coded, but equally likely to come from a leftist?

    That’s an excellent example of what I said just yesterday about sealioning in Reddit: "in Reddit for example your typical sea lion says “I don’t understand, [insert question making a straw man of your proposition]? I’m so confused…”

    Drop off the sealion if you feel entitled to a serious answer.

      04 months ago

      I can assure you that my question was genuine.

      I’ve seen a lot of discussion about sealioning on Lemmy and reddit over the years, and it’s never made much sense to me. If I were a right winger trying to discredit your point, it doesn’t seem like a good tactic to ask (misleading) clarifying questions. Any decent debater would use those questions to further educate potential readers on the specifics of their argument/ideology.

      That being said, I would still appreciate a clarification.