A group of veterans from the US armed forces burnt their uniforms in a show of solidarity with the airman Aaron Bushnell, who died after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington in a protest over the war in Gaza.Footage by Alissa Azar shows veterans lining up and taking turns to burn their military jackets at a vigil in Portland on February 28.A banner can be seen behind them, reading: “Veterans say: Free Palestine! Remember Aaron Bushnell.”The event was organized by the group About Face: Veterans Against the War, which told attendees to gather in front of the Wyatt Federal Building in Portland at 5 pm.Before setting himself on fire, Bushnell filmed himself saying he would “no longer be complicit in genocide". He then yelled “Free Palestine” several times as flames engulfed him. Credit: Alissa Azar via Storyful
In case you haven’t seen it there’s a great documentary from 2005 about the anti-war movement within the ranks of the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War.
Sir! No Sir! on Vimeo.
Sir! No Sir on YouTube.
Weeeelllll back in the day we called soldiers “baby killers” and then after 9/11 we had to jerk every military member off we saw and repeat “thank you for your service” with a handful of dick.
“Oh you hide under your bed everytime a firecracker goes off? You should do
heroinoxycodone for that”-Post 9-11 VA.
To be fair they actually were killing babies
Still do, but they used to, too.
Just watched that documentary earlier this week. Really good documentary and highly recommend it.