Got to know about this small thing recently. Things I liked : Qaulity posts NoJs Nerds

Things I didn’t liked : Money minded Don’t like lemmy Centralised Too much posts (i am student)

So what is your take, should I join it, Is it worth my time, Which communities to subscribe to get similar level content on Lemmy?

    • Bo7a
      283 months ago

      This is the right question. Why not use both? Don’t let any one source of news/media be your only source.

      HN is good at what it is good at. And so is Lemmy :)

    • @jaagrukOP
      13 months ago

      Nothing ☺️

      Was asking your perspective on this. And as I am student so saving some timo could be great.

  • Ephera
    143 months ago

    Yeah, the money-mindedness also bothered me. The whole site is run by a Venture Capital company, so it attracts that kind of clientel.

    I also found that the voting system (more people can upvote than downvote) encourages controversial comments. As a result, often times extreme comments would get voted to the top, whereas informative comments weren’t.

    And sometimes, there’s people there who genuinely know a lot about technology, but far too many are “tech bros”, so people who only care about technology when it can make them money or otherwise ease their lives.

    Overall, well, I don’t use it anymore…

    • Hypx
      73 months ago

      The whole site is run by a Venture Capital company, so it attracts that kind of clientel.

      And that is causing real enshittification. It is increasingly just about promotion of certain products while rejecting criticisms. There is less and less honest discussion. I get the feeling that mods will soon no longer allow “anti-tech” viewpoints altogether.

    • @jaagrukOP
      13 months ago

      Good Alternative communities?

      • Ephera
        33 months ago

        Well, you’ve already found Lemmy+kbin, which IMHO is currently the best.

        Mastodon can be cool, too, although you’ve really got to curate your experience, and the soapboxing that someone else mentioned is really present on there, too.

        Well, and then there’s also It’s invite-only. If I remember correctly, it has lots of BSD users at its heart, so those are at least people who are genuinely interested in technology, but yeah, the opinions you find on there can also be a bit one-sided as a result…

        • @jaagrukOP
          13 months ago

          Any communities recommended to join?

          • Ephera
            23 months ago

            Well, if you want content similar to HN, these are kind of that:

            • Verious communities called “technology” (these can be a bit heavy on the news, I don’t know, if you want that)
            • Various Linux-related communities
            • There’s two “ProgrammerHumor” communities, which are usually fun.
            • And of course, the community for your favorite programming language / technology.
    93 months ago

    Too much soapboxing; no I really don’t care what some random nerd feels about an extremely niche topic that they’ve posted about on their personal blog because it has annoyed them recently.

    • @jaagrukOP
      13 months ago

      Any good alternatives on Lemmy or fediverse?

    53 months ago

    Mostly a good place for info/links, and used to be pretty ok for the comments section.

    Now half the comments are low effort “first” type posts, and the other half is way too capitalistic/VC-centered for my liking.

    A supposed “hacker” community, yet they seem to prefer non-free software over the GPL a lot…

    13 months ago

    You can’t delete your account/comments, which is shitty. Just for that I stopped using interacting and threw away the key to my account. I sometimes read.