I’m only stopping after nine years :) I have too much autism to do analysis lol, to neurotypicals I probably read like some kind of genderfreak, which tbh is sort of rad. Random people at my bluecollar job will use “they” for me totally unprompted.
people would they/them me a whole bunch when i first integrated into this new group. i think cis people would rather short circuit than ask someone what they prefer
To be completely fair, I once had a guy in an elevator ask me “hey so are you a guy or a girl?” and I was so floored I couldn’t even be snarky. Cis people SUCK at asking, lol.
I refuse to correct them until they get their shit together, Idk. They can wonder and be confused, fuck em. My gender is Fear Incarnate!
one time i had spent 2 hours in front of a guy explicitly talking about my gender and he still came up afterwards and asked the same question. i had the same reaction you did, fuck them. read the fucking manual
I’m only stopping after nine years :) I have too much autism to do analysis lol, to neurotypicals I probably read like some kind of genderfreak, which tbh is sort of rad. Random people at my bluecollar job will use “they” for me totally unprompted.
people would they/them me a whole bunch when i first integrated into this new group. i think cis people would rather short circuit than ask someone what they prefer
To be completely fair, I once had a guy in an elevator ask me “hey so are you a guy or a girl?” and I was so floored I couldn’t even be snarky. Cis people SUCK at asking, lol.
I refuse to correct them until they get their shit together, Idk. They can wonder and be confused, fuck em. My gender is Fear Incarnate!
one time i had spent 2 hours in front of a guy explicitly talking about my gender and he still came up afterwards and asked the same question. i had the same reaction you did, fuck them. read the fucking manual