So I’ve never been a fan of the sickly sweet oatmeals and other western style breakfast cereals, especially those with lots of sugar, so I’ve started recently getting into savory oatmeals and other porridges. My favorite so far is using a base dashi stock, miso paste and chili oil alongside some chopped light vegetables such as kimchi and scallions (water spinach is also good when finely diced).
Yes! I grew up with Indian style porridges like khichidi and upma with Indian pickles, but went through a phase preferring sweeter Western style breakfasts. But lately I’m turning back to savory. I think the heartiness makes me feel more full and for longer
One Western combo I came up with and really like:
- Oatmeal
- Chopped Field Roast vegan apple maple sage sausage
- Fried onion
- Fried garlic
- Generic Western herb mixes (Italian blend, herbs de provence, table blend, etc.)
- Some vegan savory flavorings and salts (soy sauce, MSG, yeast extracts, mushroom extracts, vegetable stock or bouillon)
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Yeah for sure. Miso is a go-to. Try with steel cut oats if you haven’t already it’s worth the wait.
Also make sure to try with barley
Barley is great, I especially like the multigrain rice and barley mixes that a lot of Asian stores have near me and I’ve tried making my own to some good success (you can even add in some red lentils for more protein as they cook pretty fast).
Sounds nice!
You could transpose this recipe onto congee (rice gruel) and it would go over really well too.
I think nutrition-wise oatmeal is superior but congee is a really good way of getting rid of leftover rice (just make sure that it’s been stored properly so you don’t give yourself food poisoning!)
Rice porridge and millet porridge is also very nice. Any porridge you can put in the fermented bean curd and the pickled mustard green.
Natto is one of my fav additions and is a great protein boost as well as giving some funky cheesy notes without using cheese
I do chicken or beef stock sometimes, and sometimes make what is like mac and cheese with oats instead of pasta (whole groats can be nice in this). You can also make sweet oatmeal without using so much sugar that it’s “sickly”.
I’d also like to plug the fact that you can get a hand crank device called a flaker that lets you turn whole oats into oatmeal fresh, and do the same to other grains like wheat, rye, spelt, etc for other whole grain hot cereals.
Better than bouillon is some of my fav easy stock to use and has some great meat and vegan options
Agreed! That’s what I usually use too.
I’ve done sweet oats for a long time, usually with some peanut butter and honey. I’d never even considered doing savory before this!
Tried some this morning, just some old-fashioned oats cooked in milk, then added some chili powder, shredded cheese, and bacon bits (I know, shame on ye who cannot say
). And holy crap, it was really good! Thanks for the idea, lots of fun experimentation to do here.
Sounds tasty, really gotta endorse chilli oil or chili crisps being added if you never given that a try before
Yes, that does sound amazing. Not many things chili crisps don’t make better!
Try adding cultures to it and letting it sit overnight. Good if you like a little bit of sour.
I have some pb overnight oats waiting for lunch. Right before eating I add dried chopped dates/berries for a sweet/savory combo.
Ooo that sounds really good! I’m a big fan of that taste combo in stuff like pilafs with raisins and sliced almonds added
Thanks! You’ve def inspired me to try and make some straight up savory porridge either like you’ve done or maybe with like rosemerry and some roots…
Date are very healthy and good.
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Anyone got quick recipes to share? I usually have only half an hour to cook and eat breakfast during my work week so use quick oats and a microwave. I’d prefer steel cut oats but I don’t have the luxury of time lol
Also I often just cook oats in stock and add chilli crisp as a topping.
Now this just looks perfect for me! I’ll most definitely have to practice making this soon
It’s worth grating ginger and lemongrass for the week ahead of time. Then you can just throw a spoon from the fridge in a pot and it comes together with no trouble.
Thanks for the tip, I usually have frozen ginger ready to go but never really played with lemongrass much besides making tea with it
It’s very fibrous, one of those ingredients where you watch a video of some Thai grandma turn it into a paste in like 20 seconds with a knife, try the same thing and conclude that she must have superpowers.
Prep and use instant dashi and either a meat or veg based broth, add to instant oats with teaspoon of miso paste mixed in then microwave (add diced scallions), top with chili oil at end if you like some spicy umami notes. There’s also the good old fashioned oats with shredded cheese, add some salt and pepper with your stock/broth then microwave
Thank you kindly, gonna try testing it out on my day off to get the ratios right
Yes! I haven’t gone exploring enough but I like “everything” spice and cayenne pepper in mine.
Lately I’ve only added MSG and some scallions but I’m going to try out some of these other recipes! I like savory meals in the morning and there doesn’t seem to be many without eggs
When I ate eggs I used to do a savory breakfast bowl both farro. It’s still good as a vegan dish, but nothing replaces a fried egg that well
I should mention there’s a thing you can do with oatmeal and miso if you get the kind with live cultures. It’s been a while since I tried it, but if I remember right it involves letting it sit overnight and the cultures start to work on the oatmeal. I’m sure a web search would turn it up.
I try it from time to time. I got some groats and steel cut oats, but so far I haven’t been able to match the ceaseless love I have for savory grits.