
Amid the ongoing violence in the Middle East and the NATO-fueled proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the US military is reportedly eying a new front amid Washington’s attempts to save the unipolar world order.

The US Navy’s elite Seal Team 6 is training for missions to “help” Taiwan if tensions between the island and the PRC go hot.

Sources told the Financial Times that planning and training for a Taiwan escalation has been underway “for more than a year” at Seal Team 6’s Dam Neck, Virginia Beach HQ.

The training, which coincides with increasingly systematized deployments of US special forces in Taiwan, comes amid the US military and intelligence community’s broader refocus on China.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    18 days ago

    IIRC recently when Putin was asked why the yanks seem to be so keen to fight three wars at the same time (Ukraine, Middle East, Taiwan) his response was that he thinks they must be insane, as there is no rational explanation as to why anybody would want to do that.