I foster extra spicy kittens and tame them so they can be adopted. Each time one bites me I think about how I have almost no insurance and this could be the one that unalives me. Those puncture bites are amazing. This little predator weighing less than 1% what I do can do me in with just their teeth.
We had four cats die within a year. All orange boys.
Then one day I get a call from a place I’m doing Trap Neuter Release. Some mom just dropped three kids on a porch. I go grab the kids and set a trap for mom. I get the kids home. Three orange girls, two are bobtails. I’ve been on the hunt for an orange girl for years. Jackpot.
Really hoping we get mom because these are bottle babies. Get mom. Orange girl with even less tail.
I know I’m probably keeping mom no matter how feral she is. Definitely one of the kids too.
Time to make the decision. Which kid to keep. Wife vetoes me. We are keeping them all. Plus two more orange girls that will show up over the year. I have six orange girls. Probably more than anyone on the east coast. So much foster fail. So few braincells.
Eventually tame mom after 12 months and multiple attempts on my life.
So many orange girls.
Last two of those, found one standinf in traffic, ran out and scoped her up, we were close ever since. Second was my wife’s foster fail, turned out she was pregnant and didn’t know.
Last one was a tortie who got attached to me, haven’t done a ginger yet, used to do a ton of bottle babies, those were painful.
Omg they’re exhausting but the best, they took me (and my wife) a lot of work at first to get the trick of feeding, and the pee/poo thing is unpleasant, but they’re so incredibly cute and sweet, our first fail is a bb.
But they often don’t litter train as easily and make a mess, so thats a problem, they’re a ton of work on par with a human baby.
Orange cats are so special and unique. I have two brothers and they couldn’t be more different personality wise. They’re my first oranges. One weighs 22 pounds and the other weighs 10.
I foster extra spicy kittens and tame them so they can be adopted. Each time one bites me I think about how I have almost no insurance and this could be the one that unalives me. Those puncture bites are amazing. This little predator weighing less than 1% what I do can do me in with just their teeth.
My pet geese are so much safer.
If it looks like this, it’s a lynx.

This spicy puppy was recued from a frozen lake and driven to the vet.
“I am too cold to do anything other than lay here, otherwise you’d get a bite.”
That’s a werewolf kitten, you can’t fool me
No, these are werewolf cats
No lynx native to my area. But a bobcat is always an option. Some legends tell of cougars. I can always hope.
Foster also, just had a foster fail.
But man, even if it killed me, still totally worth it.
We had four cats die within a year. All orange boys.
Then one day I get a call from a place I’m doing Trap Neuter Release. Some mom just dropped three kids on a porch. I go grab the kids and set a trap for mom. I get the kids home. Three orange girls, two are bobtails. I’ve been on the hunt for an orange girl for years. Jackpot.
Really hoping we get mom because these are bottle babies. Get mom. Orange girl with even less tail.
I know I’m probably keeping mom no matter how feral she is. Definitely one of the kids too.
Time to make the decision. Which kid to keep. Wife vetoes me. We are keeping them all. Plus two more orange girls that will show up over the year. I have six orange girls. Probably more than anyone on the east coast. So much foster fail. So few braincells.
Eventually tame mom after 12 months and multiple attempts on my life. So many orange girls.
We were up to 6, chain reaction of cats really.
Last two of those, found one standinf in traffic, ran out and scoped her up, we were close ever since. Second was my wife’s foster fail, turned out she was pregnant and didn’t know.
Last one was a tortie who got attached to me, haven’t done a ginger yet, used to do a ton of bottle babies, those were painful.
I’m not doing any more bottle babies until I’m collecting Social Security and don’t have to work or sleep.
Omg they’re exhausting but the best, they took me (and my wife) a lot of work at first to get the trick of feeding, and the pee/poo thing is unpleasant, but they’re so incredibly cute and sweet, our first fail is a bb.
But they often don’t litter train as easily and make a mess, so thats a problem, they’re a ton of work on par with a human baby.
On par except that are three of them at once.
Orange cats are so special and unique. I have two brothers and they couldn’t be more different personality wise. They’re my first oranges. One weighs 22 pounds and the other weighs 10.
Livin the dream
(We have one buttery ginger. Smart enough to just be a complete arsehat)