I didn’t brush my teeth as a child and teen because I had energy issues and I struggled to actually do them; I still struggle to do it today.

I rarely floss because it seems like a lot of work for seemingly little gains.

I got plaque again after getting teeth cleaned some weeks ago. I guess my teeth is screwed…

  • MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I brush my teeth 2-3x a day, floss a few times a week (I know, I know…), and pray that I don’t get a cavity because I don’t have dental insurance.

    I also try to drink water and avoid sugary drinks. I think one really important thing is brushing your teeth before bed, because not doing so gives bacteria a lot of time to do their thing relatively undisturbed.

    Oh and try to aim for 2-3 minutes of brushing. I used to have a nice electric toothbrush with at timer but it died, so I just set my digital watch’s alarm for 2 minutes and every 30 seconds I switch quadrants. It’s all about not giving germs a huge window of time to grow exponentially.