• AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlM
    3 years ago


    Even assuming the documents are true, they don’t lead people to infer that the people being dealt with are innocent and “was captured for being the wrong race.” If they’re prisoners who have actually committed serious crimes, which the Chinese government has always outright stated they have reeducation programs for (and every country has a penal system, surprise surprise), I don’t see how the treatment of them are anything scandalous. The US often treats inmates worse than is alleged in these leaks, as do many other Western countries.

    Let’s go through all of the claims with the context that it’s likely actually a prison or reeducation camp, for actual criminals/extremists, shall we?

    The police are instructed to kill escapees if they confront them with a warning shot and they keep trying to escape? Not unreasonable and seen all the time in Western high security (and even low security) prisons. Hell, with all the unjust police killings reported in the West, a Western even petty criminal is lucky if they even see the walls of a prison. Wait, I thought those evil commies killed prisoners on the regular just for fun, and here they are firing warning shots when someone is trying to escape?

    Prisoners are blindfolded and shackled when transporting them? Seen all the time in Western high security prisons. It’s to prevent them from knowing where they are and planning an escape accordjngly, and you know, fighting the officers and escaping outright, respectively.

    Prisoners in need of medical care are restrained and escorted by police? Funny story, I went to a hospital here in Canada, and I actually saw an inmate in the same ward being attended by a police officer. Inmate was in prison jumpsuit, and officer’s uniform literally said he works at a prison and is escorting an inmate. Wait, I thought the evil Chinese commies denied all medical care and even basic living nessities to their prisoners. Hmm…

    Also, interesting that the police in the leaked medical procedure picture is carrying a stick, not even a proper police knight stick, it’s looks like a broom handle lol. You’d think they’d go for something more substantial if they’re committing genocide.

    All in all, if this is true, it seems like fairly standard prison security procedures to me. Certainly nothing that would be out of place in a Western prison.

    The article authors also don’t actually call out that this institution these files are alleged to be from are actually one which the CPC has claimed to be a school for “willing students”. You’d think in a “China is the devil” article, if the CPC ever publicly referenced this specific facility as such, they’d definitely call that out and go “see? They lied!” Because you can have both proper prisons/compulsory reeducational facilities and facilities for willing participants. Western courts also order prisoners to undergo reeducation mind you, though that’s a dictatorship word so they don’t call it that.