Seriously, what the fuck? I thought it was some kind of user interface glitch so I looked it up. Nope, they’re A/B testing this shit.

Found this brilliant statement by Youtube on the matter:

Now note that we are deprecating one sorting option and that is by oldest video at the channel level. But don’t panic, you can still view the oldest video of a channel, by scrolling through it’s content’

Oh, yeah, just scroll to the bottom. Silly me, I guess I’m just a stupid idiot for not realizing the option was redundant since I can simply take the time to scroll through potentially thousands of videos.

Why are silicon valley tech people such freaks?

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I suppose them making the search function completely unusable wasn’t enough. So now we get this as well.

    Seriously though, are they just fucking morons? Literally no one thinks this is better.

    And no, you dumb fucks, this isn’t going to make me pay for yt premium. If anything, shit like this just makes me even less inclined to do so.

    • cawsby [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Lookup how Google does performance reviews and you’ll find out why they are so dysfunctional as a company. They took Intel’s Objectives and key results performance review system and turned it into a cross between Logan’s Run and the Salem Witch Trials.

      OKR’s became Google’s go to excuse to fire older workers, and they have been sued so much for age discrimination - calls to the carnival - that it raised the average age someone was fired above 35 to 40 or so today.

      Google hires fresh graduates out of places like Stanford’s and SJSU’s CS departments like off an assembly line to replace older workers, who burn out, are fired for performance, or leave for a better gig by the time they are 40 at a very suspicious amazing rate.

      The average age of Google’s talent pool has been balanced mysteriously on or around 30 for years and years .

      20-30 year olds typically are hired unto projects that only go places if the top dogs are fired for performance. So the young eat the old, and the old zealously try to make everyone happy - which makes no one happy- and this is the story that plays out over and over at Google. Google typically has gone from a run of about 10 years for a new service/product being cancelled or added to another existing product like a frankensteinian monster.

      Intel uses OKR in highly motivated engineering teams working on hardware goals running up against the physical limits of modern technology and science.

      Google uses OKR in lowly motivated creative/marketing/UI/etc teams working on nebulous software goals that are measured by browser cookies.