Those of you who are playing it?
It’s been pretty good but I think I’ve lost some interest about 30 hours in. After reclassing every party member, gaining some levels and getting to the second map, the routine is repeatedly use padfoot to decrease encounter rate. And then just leave every character on “fight wisely” which is better in most cases than controlling them. The ai is just a little too smart, every battle can kinda go automatically.
It has denuvo so no opinion
It also costs ₹4k in India.
The only DQ I played was 5 on the DS, I liked it a lot but I think that was due to the things specific to THAT entry, I didn’t care all that much about the dragon quest base so i never dipped in again (maybe I will with 11 at some point but I’m not very tempted).
I think DQ3 looks good if one likes the HD2.5D aesthetic, which I don’t, at least so far it just makes every game I’ve seen look “cheap” to me and prepares my mind for the most boring Squeenix rpg plots ever.
I didn’t even know it was out on PC though, I checked the steam reviews and people seem to not like it? Even saw some in japanese. It’s surprising to me because yesterday I had gotten the news that the game was selling gangbusters in japan and it’s already the fastest selling game release in 2024
is it any good? XI felt like a chore, cant go back to that combat system after playing Atlus stuff or honkai star rail