Those of you who are playing it?

  • grandepequeno [he/him]
    4 months ago

    The only DQ I played was 5 on the DS, I liked it a lot but I think that was due to the things specific to THAT entry, I didn’t care all that much about the dragon quest base so i never dipped in again (maybe I will with 11 at some point but I’m not very tempted).

    I think DQ3 looks good if one likes the HD2.5D aesthetic, which I don’t, at least so far it just makes every game I’ve seen look “cheap” to me and prepares my mind for the most boring Squeenix rpg plots ever.

    I didn’t even know it was out on PC though, I checked the steam reviews and people seem to not like it? Even saw some in japanese. It’s surprising to me because yesterday I had gotten the news that the game was selling gangbusters in japan and it’s already the fastest selling game release in 2024