No friends or anything. No partner either. What do?

    2 years ago

    So I had a shit shift and this turned into a massive derailing rant. (It’s depressing as shit btw but I try to see it as motivation to change.)

    TLDR You’re absolutely right, and deep down every HCW knows people are treated as disposable commodities to the state. The revolution can’t come soon enough.

    They’re even aware of this. They call it “Shitty Life Syndrome”

    You can do EVERYTHING within the restraints of your scope to lift a person up, help them through depression, even cure them in some lucky cases but the second they leave your care, they are once again at the mercy of a depraved system where all the therapeutic tools under the sun ain’t gonna help you out of state enforced poverty.

    I’m not anti-therapy in general. I know I t can teach you tools to survive the unsurvivable. It’s helped me- or it did until my MH care plan’s subsidised 10 sessions were up.

    Fact is though, the ones who need it most are the ones who can’t afford it and the criteria for successful treatment is your capacity to sell your labour for as long as possible with as little as possible.

    Of course once they’ve drained you of that labour, you’re now useless to the system yay! So barring those lucky enough to have family who are rich in both time and money who are willing to care for you in old age, they stick you in aged care(lol, “care”).

    Here, —speaking as an nurse working at a non-profit considered to be one of the “better ones” — you become a resident…sorry I mean “cUstomErr”🤮.

    Since there’s only 1 nurse and 2 pcas rostered for a workload of 40 high care residents, you will receive a minuscule fraction of the care you need.

    Can’t walk and you shit your pants? Well that sucks bc there 10 others who did the same It’ll be an hour at least before PCAs can get to you.

    Oh and you’re not allowed to die on your own terms. The Judeo-Christian based legal system deprives workers of even that dignity- far more spiritually ethical for you to get fucking sepsis from a toe cut due to systemic neglect than it is to set a precedent for bodily autonomy. Can’t risk shrinking the available labour force by letting them know suicide is an option.

    Unlike OP(sending you solidarity internet hugs my comrade) I have friends. Friends I never see and even when I manage to muster enough emotional & physical energy to catch up, it’s tarnished by the burnout.

    To clarify, all this is in Australia. I can’t imagine the state of aged care in the US. I don’t want to.

    We really have nothing to lose but the chains of poverty, abuse, human commodification and oppression.