No friends or anything. No partner either. What do?

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    Humans are social creatures and you probably need and want socialization (if you didn’t why make this post). Not getting a proper amount of socialization is VERY damaging in the long term for people’s health across the board. Honestly the only difference between my life being utter hell and my life being pretty cool is I have is my girlfriend, my best friend and my mom.

    Unfortunately–assuming you live in the West or somewhere similar?–it is particularly hard to make friends in this day and age. People are more transient than ever, places and jobs and groups come and go and relationships are seen as disposable commodities more than ever. People are incredibly isolated and it is very hard to “break through” a lot of times.

    However, hope is not lost. A lot of advice people are giving here is very good. It sounds cheesy but forcing yourself to do something in public and just slowly acclimating yourself back in a semi-social environment is key. Don’t expect big wins immediately. Growing friendships can take time and a lot of trial and error. I know I have felt the sting of rejection more than a few times. But you know what? I kept trying, and through a combination of improving my social skills, building general connections, breaking away from the feedback loop of isolated–>depressed–>unable to function socially–>isolated–>repeat, and simply trying over and over again until I got lucky, and suddenly I struck gold.

    First, always know that you are not “living in vain.” I would bet money I barely have that you are worthwhile despite having no friends or a partner; do not define yourself with your relationships, and do try and strive to, again as cheesy as it sounds, love yourself and appreciate your worth. But again, you do need some social stimulation. It might take a lot of work, a lot of pulling yourself back up after getting knocked on your ass the 10th, 20th, 50th time, you might have run-ins with bad friendships or relationships, but put in the work over time and you will wake up one day pleasantly surprised how your life is better than you would have guessed it ever being.

    I wish you best of luck, comrade. Do not succumb to despair, do not let the fog of depression or isolation paralyze you. Like a garden, if you put in a little bit of work here and there and keep pushing on past the little disasters, you will one day have the flowers and fruits you need, I promise.