As far as I can tell you can’t mix and match pronouns, body types and voices.
So what is the point of calling it Body Type A if it just gives you the male body, the male voice and the male pronouns regardless?
it’s just liberals trying to be inclusive and instead being ridiculous because they’ve never talked to any of us
the purpose is appearances and some manager feeling good about himself
It’s part of a marketing strategy to get comment sections arguing about whether it’s woke.
It’s possible that they did intend to separate out those things at some point in development, but never actually got around to doing it.
The scale-creep of Elden Ring makes it so that the game is, in a lot of ways, weirdly less “polished” than other Fromsoft “Souls-Borne” titles when you consider the significantly increased development resources available to it.
I wouldn’t even know how to begin to argue it’s less polished than any souls game. Dark souls has its entire second half, dark souls 2 has the entire game that’s incredibly unpolished and dark souls 3 never felt particularly cohesive anyway
There is a lot of reused assets and bosses in the dungeons.
I think it may be related to the lore
Humans in this setting are said to be born of the Erdtree itself (at least for as long as Marika has been a god) and the lore implies that sex isn’t even something any of the people in the Lands Between do for fun anymore
So within this setting, gender itself could be seen as a vestigial tail of sorts that cannot be fully shed by humanity because evolution has been halted which is just part of the larger themes of stagnation and imperial decline
Or I could be high and maybe it has nothing to do with the lore
Does anyone give you pronouns in the game? They just call you either you, tarnished or champion or whatever as far as I can recall. Saves on having alternate lines if nothing else.
The one eyed chick does at the beginning at least
You can mix voices and body types I believe
liberal baby step i guess that ultimately fails at making the text meaningfully less cisnormative
I assume they just find and replaced the words male and female in their otherwise old school character creator
The purpose is the game being about skillfully slaying monsters. You’re not supposed to create a character representing “yourself”, you’re supposed to hit stuff, hard. The story is barely something you can call a story. You’re going to put a kettle on your head and hit stuff with an anchor. They simply didn’t care about representation or even character customization very much, just about the gameplay and visual diversity of the world around you.
We’re talking about Elden Ring, not Sekiro here. If Michael Zaki didn’t want you to be able to represent yourself, or what you value in the game, he would’ve just given you John Eldenring to play as, and told you to go fuck yourself if you didn’t like it.
So this is a legitimate question to ask.
Then why not just male and female
This is such a batshit take I don’t even know where to begin