I’m really nervous about it, can somebody hype me up and maybe tell me what I can expect?

  • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    I’d suggest you try it! Actual “irreversible” (I hate that word, thanks Abigail Shrier!) physical changes won’t happen for a couple of months, but you’ll feel different, like, your emotions will hit different, pretty immediately (probably a week or two) and that will likely help you decide whether to stick with it.

    I wasn’t sure about hormones when I started. I wanted to stay on long enough for my voice to change (I’m transmasc, that’s a thing that happens with T), but other than that I was very much like “eh” about all the rest of the physical changes. But once I started it was pretty clear that T is indeed the answer for me, I felt better, a lot better, in indefinable, hard to explain ways. And even the physical changes I was pretty apprehensive about (bottom growth?! facial hair?!), yeah, it turns out they’re cool, I don’t mind them in the least.

    Long story short, hormones are good for me, and I only really truly understood that after taking the plunge and starting them. I suggest it. Give it a go. If it doesn’t feel right after a week or two, then stop, that’s fine, no harm done.