• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    You should get your money back.

    He critiqued the system he was in. That economic system hasn’t changed until now. I don’t even know what to say to your rebuttal being that he didn’t coin the phrase. That was just sad to read.

    Take it up with the universities you disagree with, as you seem to think you know better than them.

    Its not just Wikipedia and you have shown yourself to know less than half of whats needed to attempt to correct them on this subject.

    You just don’t like the origin of capitalism and that’s not the same as virtually all the universities and wiki being wrong and you being right, despite misusing basic terminology around the subject.

    Also, no, even if it was just one kind of stock, a dedicated exchange wouldn’t be needed, if only one joint stock company existed. So, the idea that the creation of the first stock exchange happened at the same time as the whole idea is being birthed is just bizzare. The Dutch east India company was made in 1602 in which was the invention of share capital, hence that being when capitalism was starting.

    Also also the stock exchange you mentioned existed before 1623, as there are bonds traded at that exchange recorded then. So, you’ve disagreed with yourself there.

    Thats why we go with wiki and no just vibes. They should’ve taught you that at that college you went to.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Okay well you’re just literally making shit up about what I said now. Out of the two of us, I’m the only one who has shown any actual source material or evidenced any tracking of sources. You have obviously read the wiki, confused its ideological edit war as a university somehow, and are just resorting to ad hominems at this point.

      If a university agrees with you in any more than the most general sense of elements of capitalism pre-existing Adam Smith please feel free to show us. They aren’t shy about leaving knowledge around for people to pick up and use. Otherwise stop being an ass. Nobody likes a confident ass much less one who’s just so wrong.

      • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        You literally think you know better than wiki, thinking you know better and confidently claimed so, despite misusing basic terminology around the subject. You commnet is nothing other than a lack of self awareness, drawing in irony.


        Which is when Adam Smith starts ranting about Mercantilism and he and David Hume are really cooking up Capitalism

        Also you, the link you sent

        Adam Smith is often identified as the father of modern capitalism. While accurate to some extent, this description is both overly simplistic and dangerously misleading.

        I’m embarrassed for you.

        Nobody likes a confident ass much less one who’s just so wrong.

        Exactly, take your own advice and fuck off and get your money back from that university.

        • Maggoty@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Did… Did you read the whole link? Or just the snip the part that sounds like it supports your argument?

          And yes, if you can’t do better than the wiki then you didn’t get a college education on a topic. It’s an encyclopedia, not a 4 year degree with several thousand hours of learning. And that’s when it’s working well. This article has been cut to shit by ideologues trying to revise history for their own benefit.

          You thought you were going to show up here 3 weeks later and leave some kind of last word discrediting my education when I’m the one pulling the .edu links for you to look at. The fucking irony.

          • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            As you clearly read none of it, I only had to read the first part, as that disproved your nonsense straight away which can be seen by your own words and your own link.

            I don’t need to do better than wiki. You haven’t disproven them. You just declared them to be shit, thinking your arrogance alone can refute what it says. You university should’ve taught you to actually quote specific parts of articles and not just link their entirety, declaring them to agree with you despite it disproving you within the first couple of sentences.

            The edu link disproved you, instantly. So, that’s literally exactly what happened. Its not my fault you made a clown out of yourself by proving yourself wrong. I wish you hadn’t done it too. Its taken the sport out of it.

              • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Child, you claimed Adam Smith was “cooking up Capitalism” and then provided a link that opened up by saying that claims like that are gross over simplification. Doubling down on saying you read it only makes you look even more stupid. I mean, you didn’t even know that pre-industrial Capitalism existed ffs. Id be too ashamed to reply if I was you.

                Just to head off your next commnet: no, weaponsed ignorance and professional grade arrogance do not qualify as a cogent rebuttal but I am looking forward to you attempting to singlehandedly refute das kapital again.

                • Maggoty@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  First, a gross over simplification describes the entirety of discourse on Lemmy. That’s the format, and unless you want to start writing multiple actual papers every day I wouldn’t complain about it.

                  Second, the gross over simplification they refer to is Adam Smith as merely the first economist. They go on to explain his entire body of work in philosophy, politics, and economics.

                  And no, my claim is that it wasn’t capitalism yet. In the same way that we still have some of the same laws as we did under kings, but that wasn’t democracy yet.

                  And the irony here is breathtaking. This is literally my field of study. And you read the first snippet and then start yelling about “weaponized ignorance”. If you want to disagree then disagree but don’t be so ignorant you project it into others.