First of all, I want to say that it’s wonderful to see all of you here, and your critical support of the nation I proudly call home. But more and more recently, especially reading through Chinese internet too, there has been a sense of overconfidence and overglorification of China. It is honestly a little worrying at times for me, because as much as I love my homeland and is proud of what we are doing, I know full and well that we are still a long way to go. I see this sentiment of China being the glorious land far away as a bastion and utopia against Western Imperialism and while there’s a lot of truth behind that sentiment, and I definitely understand why one not living in China would choose to believe this (I live in the US now and I understand your pain, fellow US comrades). I just want to remind everyone to exercise dialectal materialism on this subject and try to look at China in a less idealised way. We cannot grow to be better without recognising our mistakes. Anyways that is my little message to you all. Have a nice day!

    2 years ago

    China does indeed do things for which it deserves criticism, for instance not going far enough with its climate goals, failing to completely bust the trafficking of endangered animals and plants, allowing 996 schemes to exists, and continuing to cooperate with rogue governments like the USA, Brazil, or Israel. It is by no means a perfect country, and though its current economic situation explains some of these unsavory policies, other problems still may be caused by neglect or blatant corruption. We do need to criticise China.

    However, if you live or work in China, then it is your duty to do so, much more than it is ours. It is both a lot easier and more meaningful to call the kettle black if you don’t live in the pot.

    • Banning 996 completely or not is a problem. According to the law, the salary of working twelve hours a day is twice that of working eight hours a day, last year in a region in Beijing local government completely banned 996, then its government received a lot of complaints. Many people 996 everyday to support their high consumptions but now they couldnt. But if voluntaral 996 is allowed, you know that China’s competition is fierce, so in fact there must be some people forced to 996 or they will be fired. When thinking of a problem we need to see the both sides.

    • Water Bowl
      2 years ago

      Is 996 still a thing in China? It’s my understanding that it was never legal and that businesses that do this get prosecuted. But I’m not Chinese so idk

      • Banning 996 completely or not is a problem. According to the law, the salary of working twelve hours a day is twice that of working eight hours a day, last year in a region in Beijing local government completely banned 996, then its government received a lot of complaints. Many people 996 everyday to support their high consumptions but now they couldnt. But if voluntaral 996 is allowed, you know that China’s competition is fierce, so in fact there must be some people forced to 996 or they will be fired. When thinking of a problem we need to see the both sides.

        2 years ago

        996 schemes do still exist in China, where they are employed by at least 40 companies. Numerous scientists have denounced it as modern slavery and the People’s Court has declared it illegal in 2021, but as far as I know the government only has actually cracked down on a few cases, most notably fines against the Alibaba group in general and Jack Ma specifically.

        • Banning 996 completely or not is a problem. According to the law, the salary of working twelve hours a day is twice that of working eight hours a day, last year in a region in Beijing local government completely banned 996, then its government received a lot of complaints. Many people 996 everyday to support their high consumptions but now they couldnt. But if voluntaral 996 is allowed, you know that China’s competition is fierce, so in fact there must be some people forced to 996 or they will be fired. When thinking of a problem we need to see the both sides.

        • Water Bowl
          2 years ago

          Checking out Wikipedia’s Chinese sources, I see that they’re pretty unanimous in condemning the practice. Are there any Chinese comrades here that can speak about this? I have 0 trust in western media’s reports on this topic.

          • Banning 996 completely or not is a problem. According to the law, the salary of working twelve hours a day is twice that of working eight hours a day, last year in a region in Beijing local government completely banned 996, then its government received a lot of complaints. Many people 996 everyday to support their high consumptions but now they couldnt. But if voluntaral 996 is allowed, you know that China’s competition is fierce, so in fact there must be some people forced to 996 or they will be fired. When thinking of a problem we need to see the both sides.

      2 years ago

      Excuse me? Rogue governments?

      When you have 20% of humanity to provide for you can’t just ignore huge masses of land, some of the largest food producers(USA and Brasil), for any reason whatsoever. Especially Brazil, China buys millions and millions of tons of food from us every year, do you propose both them and us to starve and get fucked just because our current president is shit? Do you support unilateral sanctions? Because that’s what they do.

      We’re seeing it with Russia - you can’t just ignore a continent-size country. Regardless of regardless.