Eritrea is demonised by western media and referred to as “the North Korea of Africa” so it’s hard to trust anything said about it in the media. I know their President Isaias Afwerki used to lead the Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front an ML organization, but that’s about all I know. Do any of you have anything to read about Eritrea?

    2 years ago

    If you want to learn about Eritrea I recommend reading the stuff which Thomas C. Mountain writes for Black Agenda Report.

    His twitter is great and underrated. He’s been living in the horn of africa for like 20-30 years. His twitter has way more info than his articles (for whatever reason I can’t find too many articles by him right now)

    Also Breakthrough news did some great interviews with some very interesting people from the region. This link will take you to my search of their videos using Eritrea as a Keyword.

    The only thing I would add (any summary I try to give would be inefficient, just read/listen to the experts) would be to remember that the Horn of Africa is an EXTREMELY important sea route (like 20-30% of global shipping goes through there or something) and that it is no coincidence the US is funding and promoting wars on both sides of the straits. Yemen+Ethiopia/Eritrea. If those countries become too stable they will be able to exert massive political sway on the global markets.