Should be, maybe. The reality is that you can spend extra time making the program work, but if it works and you want to spend extra hours on it for whatever reason, it’s usually considered a waste of time.
Until they get hacked and it costs incredible amounts of money, that is.
Smart programmers do all the things they need to do before they get everything working. As soon as it works they get pushed to work on something else.
Security should be built in from the ground up. It’s not an afterthought. If you’re not doing that, you’re not doing it right. I get that there are time constraints but you should factor that in when giving your estimates.
Securing the application should be considered the bare minimum.
Should be, maybe. The reality is that you can spend extra time making the program work, but if it works and you want to spend extra hours on it for whatever reason, it’s usually considered a waste of time.
Until they get hacked and it costs incredible amounts of money, that is.
Smart programmers do all the things they need to do before they get everything working. As soon as it works they get pushed to work on something else.
Security should be built in from the ground up. It’s not an afterthought. If you’re not doing that, you’re not doing it right. I get that there are time constraints but you should factor that in when giving your estimates.
Oh I agree. It’s just not always how it goes.
I once worked on a codebase where the reset function had a hardcoded default password
I worked on a codebase like that once. At least it was Base64 encoded.
SecuringRunning the application should be considered the bare minimum.Should be, but we all know delivery is lol