Cocaine “is no worse than whisky” and is only illegal because it comes from Latin America, said Colombian President Gustavo Petro during a live broadcast of a government meeting.
Colombia is the world’s biggest cocaine producer and exporter, mainly to the United States and Europe, and has spent decades fighting against drug trafficking.
During a six-hour ministerial meeting – broadcast live for the first time ever – the leftist president said “cocaine is illegal because it is made in Latin America, not because it is worse than whisky.”
“Scientists have analyzed this. Cocaine is no worse than whisky,” he added, suggesting that the global cocaine industry could be “easily dismantled” if the drug were legalized worldwide.
“If you want peace, you have to dismantle the business (of drug trafficking),” he said. “It could easily be dismantled if they legalize cocaine in the world. It would be sold like wine.”
Petro also pointed out that fentanyl “is killing Americans and it is not made in Colombia”, referring to the opioid responsible for around 75,000 deaths in the United States a year, according to official data.
“Fentanyl was created as a pharmacy drug by North American multinationals” and those who consumed it “became addicted,” he added.
Since coming to power in 2022, Petro has attempted to make peace with all of the armed groups that are fueled by drug trafficking in the hope of ending six decades of conflict.
Cocaine production in Colombia reached a record-high in 2023, jumping 53 percent to 2,600 tons, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.
Just to add a note that this graph comes from a study made on rats. I love the study and i use this graph frequently when discussing drugs, but i think it’s important to know.
Being done on rats also raises the point that it’s done excluding a mental component of using the drug, like for instance how some people use cigarettes in depression for its antidepressant effect or use alcohol to cope with mental health issues.
It also doesn’t explore the mental health effects of repeated exposure to large doses of hallucinogens on people, which we still don’t have research on because of how demonized hallucinogens are in most countries doing research on drugs.
I’ve been doing an exhaustive study for the last couple of decades on the effects of whiskey on a human with mental health issues.
It’s hard to write down scientific conclusions when you black out at the end of the night, but so far I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ll try again tonight and get back to you.
Your commitment to science is commendable
I drigle fumbar. Fabulous.
And poetry! you Renaissance man
“The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down”
I wrote down my findings at 12:33AM Central time. It was science. Incomprehensible science.
My findings today are that I wish I hadn’t applied quite so much whiskey to the subject.
Interesting! Do you have a link to the original study by any chance?
I had from professor Gable’s page which was linked on wikipedia, but his page seems down and i can only find it from non free sources, but perhaps you’ll be more lucky than me. The name of the study is Gable, RS (2006) “Acute toxicity of drugs versus regulatory status” in Drugs and Society: U.S. Public Policy, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
It also doesn’t explore the mental health effects of repeated exposure to large doses of hallucinogens on people, which we still don’t have research on because of how demonized hallucinogens are in most countries doing research on drugs.
Also, I don’t think you’ll get that past an ethics board…
Probably not, but i can guarantee you i could find volunteers by the truck load. Hell I’ve met several of them.
what about testing the ld50 on humans?
There’s that “therapist” at a mental health facility that would give ULTRA MACRODOSES of LSD to his patients, put them in a completely white room, strip them naked, chain them together, and play sad and horrifying things to them for DAYS in a row, and the only food they got was a nutrient slop they had to suck out of the wall… that didn’t go well.
Bro, share a link if you can, PLEASE.
This sounds like Donald Ewen Cameron’s work, but somehow even more fucked up than what I’ve heard about re: him to date. I absolutely need to know more.
Oh dear, I’ve found it.
I recommend HEAVILY the podcast “Canadian True Crime,” the recent episodes on Matthew Charles Lamb for more detail.
Here’s a link with overall details. The podcast goes into MUCH more graphic detail, though.
Also I left out that they shocked the shit out of their brains before doing this torture.
And it was WEEKS NAKED AND TRIPPING, not days.
Holy shit - thank you. I knew there was stuff that happened at Oak Ridge but didn’t know any details.
For real! Definitely listen to the podcast episodes if you have time. It’s mortifying.
Damn so when I say something like “in my opinion a joint is exactly the same as a cup of coffee” I’m wrong… because coffee is more likely to kill you than a joint
It doesn’t say that. The X axis is basically the inverse of how many times a “usefull dose” you need to take before you die. Or you can see it as “overdose potential”.
It’s basically impossible to overdose on cannabis, but really easy to overdose on heroin. Coffee is kinda weird, it’s at 0.01, meaning you need 100 times the effective dose to die.
That’s basically 100-300 cups of coffee, so if you’re drinking just coffee you’re going to kill yourself from just drinking the water in the coffee way before the caffeine in the coffee gets dangerous.
The joint is probably worse for you than the coffee because the smoke fucks up your lungs. But that’s not a problem with the drug, it’s a problem with the consumption method.
Yeah that’s the thing, this study analyzes how much of a substance is needed to kill you in one go, but not so clear on how repeated use translates to harm. So yeah there’s higher chances of getting killed in one go by coffee than joints, but in the long run with moderate doses the combustion carries a high risk of cancer.
I always tell my friends, if you want weed to be part of your life in moderation, it’s best to stick with edibles or dry herb vapes to minimize harm.
LSD stays winning
Psychedelics just chilling at the bottom. I’m not even sure there’s a proper LD50 for these as there are no recorded deaths where overdose was the cause. It’s so funny yet sad that these are super illegal while booze and tobacco are perfectly legal.
And the CIA tried SUPER HARD to find it too
Love Sex Dreams
Ketamine is less addictive than coffee, TIL
it is, but the graph is referring to pure caffeine, which (unless you crush up pills and do lines of it) is in minimal amounts in coffee
He’s right, we should legalize it. We’ve lost the war on drugs. Fully legalized cocaine would be dirt cheap and addicts with access to a safe, affordable supply could lead relatively normal, stable lives. The money earned in the drug trade would be taxable instead of supporting criminal or extremist groups, both at home and abroad.
While I can admit drugs aren’t “good” per se but I do think most* should be legalized. We should have harm reduction classes that can teach people how to use responsibly. And have clinics where addicts can go to try and get clean and can provide whatever drug they’re addicted to in a safe environment. Also tax revenue.
But that would require empathy and an honest look at how other countries handle drugs much better than the U.S.
South Park predicted it yet again
Not so sure such a highly addictive substance would be so innocuous. It’s several times more addictive than alcohol
I don’t think it’s innocuous, but we’re already failing to prevent the harm it causes and our efforts are causing a great deal more.
Not really, it’s somewhere between alcohol and nicotine in terms of addictivness. Slightly more than alcohol, slightly less than nicotine.
Ah ok. I wouldn’t know conclusively but the cokeheads I knew were… more intense than the alcoholics.
Probably because it being illegal creates a selection bias. Most people will never use it or have it easily accessible. Most people will have easy access to alcohol and nicotine, and will likely try at least alcohol.
No, I’m referring to the “let’s buy another 8ball for $250 tonight” and then regretting it the next day. Super common. Whereas the drinkers could be okay with not drinking anymore in most cases.
You also have to take into mind that theyre probably taking coke laced with amphetamines without them knowing and not pure cocaine
Probably? There’s a million factors. I don’t know how one would even begin to guess that
It’s not, most studies put them about even, possibly more for crack but definitely not several times more addictive.
Meanwhile Sugar/sweetness is more addictive than cocaine but no ones calling to ban jolly ranchers.
No it’s not wtf.
You people really like your cocaine. Wtf indeed.
My mum’s alcoholic. Sorry but alcohol is fucking terrible.
You’re right, it’s hella addictive. I’m very lucky that my body/brain works the way it does, though… I’ve got access to endless amounts of incredibly pure stuff and I only do it a few times a year.
Alcohol is blamed for about 2,100 overdose deaths a year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cocaine, meanwhile, killed 14,510 people in the last year.
Now, let’s back up a step and look at how many American adults use these drugs. The National Institute of Health says that about 86 percent of adults drink. In comparison, only about half of a percent of adults use cocaine.
That statistic alone tells you that cocaine use is a far riskier activity.
That statistic is about cocaine related deaths, not necessarily overdoses. Often with cocaine related deaths the user is taking multiple drugs at once, usually opiates, and often alcohol too, but it usually doesn’t get blamed.
This is also more a problem with prohibition then cocaine itself since people don’t know the dose of what there getting or adulterants. If it were legal like alcohol there would be far less deaths. There were far more deaths from alcohol under prohibition when your “whiskey” was full of methanol and industrial alcohol
Also overdose isn’t the only danger from drugs. One that alcohol is miles ahead of every other drug is DUI, which kills about 13,000, meanwhile cocaine, by itself, is rarely implicated in DUI. Alcohol impairs your driving ability way more than cocaine. There’s also chronic health concerns, which are harder to weigh. Alcohol is a carcinogen and chronic use fucks up your liver, meanwhile cocaine will fuck up your heart.
The Alcohol-Related Disease Impact application estimates that each year there are more than 178,000 deaths (approximately 120,000 male deaths and 59,000 female deaths) attributable to excessive alcohol use, making alcohol one of the leading preventable causes of death in the United States, behind tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs.4,5
My mum’s alcoholic and sorry but if cocain is illegal alcohol shouldn’t be either.
I am not for drug prohibition at all. I don’t think it solves anything, but cocain isn’t worse than wiskey, they’re both in the same category of terrible.
I simply don’t agree that alcohol is worse than cocaine. Cocaine can literally stop your heart from one line. And I have no interest in sussing out if that’s from impurities or whatever, it’s a very dangerous drug. Alcohol also can be deadly but it’s not for most people. Cocaine kills many times the number of people who use it compared to alcohol.
I would rather there be harm reduction measures rather than just making anything illegal that is deemed “bad”
I agree with the last part at least
I don’t think any drug should be illegal. I hate cocain. He’s right. Alcohol is fucking terrible
Yeah. I think DUI and other laws are generally good ideas. I don’t care that much if someone wants to do coke, but I really don’t want drunk drivers or people nodding off on heroin operating heavy machinery.
There also should be a lot more social programs to help people quit when they want to. And probably more honest education about how yes, even you can get addicted.
…but I really don’t want drunk drivers or people nodding off on heroin operating heavy machinery.
That’s what the coke is for.
I think people should have the liberty to buy and injest whatever they want.
However, you should not be allowed to sell whatever you want to other people. The power dynamics between companies and consumers is not balanced, and capitalism will always find ways to abuse its costumers for profit. That’s why some countries are trying to regulate ultra processes foods and sugary foods.
So yeah, you should be free to carry fentanyl and use it. But not to give it or sell it to anyone without restrictions. Same with all other drugs.
This is a black and white over-simplified overview of my stance, because you also need nuance. Does it benefit society to require that certain jobs be done by people who are absolutely sober and thus go through regular drug tests? Does it benefit society that some people be sentenced to mandatory rehab? Or does it benefit society more to have freedom to trade and consume drugs? Your freedom to use drugs might interfere with my fredom to leave the house safely.
It should be sold by the government then. Similar to how government handles the lottery, if they didn’t then some organized criminals would do it instead. They can control the stores and the packaging so it doesnt seem fun and cool and is just dosage information and a bunch of health facts and treatment plans. They can then direct the revenues to treatment and education.
If you just decriminalize consumption without legalizing some way to buy it then the black market and a lot of the problems with the war on drugs continue: crime, violence, lack of regulation etc.
I don’t have much faith in us handling it this way though considering the way we just effectively legalized gambling and now the most predatory companies are flooding addicts with advertisements to get them to gamble more.
Yes totally agree. I missed that part on my comment. You totally need some way to buy product that is safe nd contains exactly what the label says. So many people use drugs without testing them and lots of drugs are adultured. Ironically, cocaine being the most notable for never being pure cocaine outside maybe in Colombia.
I can get behind this, generally speaking.
Banning alcohol worked so well for the Americans in the early 20th century. Gangsters and dangerous black market businesses sold it with no legal oversight. It could be laced with anything.
Banning narcotics worked so well for the Americans in the mid 20th century to today. Druglords and dangerous black market clubs sell it with no legal oversight. It could be laced with anything.
Now the US has the largest prison population in the world. Those imprisoned on drug consumption or possession charges have to spend their whole lives with that over their heads. Job opportunities passed up, apartment applications, etc. Maybe it’s time to reconsider the approach?
PS: Another drug, cannabis, was criminalized because it was used by black people and hippies, groups inclined against voting for Nixon.
Id be hard pressed to think cocaine is worse. I honestly trust a coked out driver more than a drunk driver. Fighting I think stays around the same overall drunk/coked out though. Lmaooo
Thats it. No more aspirin for you.
He’s right
It is legal to use, but only in tightly controlled medical use cases, because it is obviously very addictive. Columbia has built an economy around one export and are undermining the tight control of what the medical community knows is needed for such an addictive substance. Decriminalize the abuse of the drug and treat it as a medical condition.
Getting it into the hands of whoever wants it is just another way of being a pharmaceutical company but with extra Columbian steps.
I think every time we talk about specifically why a certain drug is illegal, we should be required to compare it against alcohol and the damage that comes from alcohol and explain why alcohol should be legal but this other drugs should not.
It is legal to use, but only in tightly controlled medical use cases, because it is obviously very addictive.
No it isn’t. I can walk into any bar in America and start guzzling the stuff up to my credit limit.
Oh wait. I’m sorry. You were talking about cocaine.
This reads like an Onion headline lmao
i don’t know enough about cocaine and want to learn.
setting aside the axe he has to grind and in the specific context of his comments about fentanyl and whisky, how accurate or inaccurate are his statements? what makes them so?
Going off memory, I think cocaine on its own really isn’t THAT bad as far as hard drugs go, but when combined with alcohol it metabolizes into “cocaethylene” which is highly toxic and basically shreds your heart.
And I’ve never met anyone that uses coke WITHOUT booze.
Its hard to analyze it in its own since its use is as an energy fix in party contexts.
Example, its 6am youve been partying all night and are drunk and sleepy but want to keep partying or need to work, so you snort a line and you can keep it up for another day. You eventually get a massive hungover, so in order to get better you snort another line and so on.
Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs that exist. Alcohol is
barelya lot less addictive.Meanwhile, severe cocaine withdrawal makes you tired and irritable while severe alcohol withdrawal makes you have seizures and die. Most people who use cocaine never develop an addiction, just like most people who drink never develop alcoholism. As far as addiction potential, methamphetamines, opiates, and nicotine are the worst offenders, as is the crack formulation of cocaine, which is not what’s being discussed here
You’re not addicted to cocaine until you’re poor, until then it’s a habit.
If you make cocaine legal, you effectively make crack legal, since the conversion is trivial.
And no, methamphetamine existing does not make cocaine less harmful.
If you make cocaine legal, you reduce overdose deaths significantly. Most OD deaths involving cocaine are due to dosing uncertainty and adulteration with other substances like fentanyl. Legalization would also decrease barriers to treatment and less criminal justice involvement would improve treatment outcomes
That’s certainly true, yet I still disagree with the post’s claim that cocaine is “no worse than whisky”.
deleted by creator
This is just wrong lol. “Alcohol is a lot less addictive” while it is the most abused substance in the world
The most abused substance is caffeine.
How often a substance is abused has very little to do with how dangerous or addictive it is.
It’s not abuse if it doesn’t have any negative impact and unless I’m in denial I’m pretty sure my tea drinking isn’t.
Anecdotally, cocaine seems to make its users into the worst versions of themselves. Alcohol can have negative effects (the “mean drunk”, drinking as disinhibition for impulsive antisocial behaviour, etc.) though the average drinker is generally not regarded as negatively as the average cokehead. I wonder how much of this is due to the substances’ intrinsic properties and how much due to cultural expectations.
I suspect a large part has to do with a selection bias. The people most likely to turn into a bad cokehead are also the people with the most access to it. Most people will never come into contact with cocaine, but they will come into contact with alcohol and likely consume it. The average person is more likely to become an alcoholic, while only certain segments are likely to even have the potential to become a coke addict and I’d bet on those segments being more likely to be harmful.
Yeah. The stereotype of the cokehead is the asshole trader who works at Goldman Sachs. Rookie numbers and all that…
Cocaine either makes me crazy. Aka I think it was cut with something. Or does absolutely nothing to me. Aka this is the pure stuff. The better the cocaine, according to my friends reviews versus mine, the less I feel any “effects”. So that was the start of internal alarm bells about ADHD 😂(very much so diagnosed and medicated now lol). Just better focus but a bit moreso than my current meds, as a rough guess it’s been over 10 years.
But I never saw them become the worst versions of themeslves.
Unless. They drank at the same time as consuming.
I sometime drink coca leaves in tea. It makes me a bit more focused but that’s it, I don’t like it that much.
Is cocaine legal in Colombia?
According to wikipedia, you can own up to a gram (1 or 2 doses, but like half a dose if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t need the internet to know that), and you can gift it and make your own. But you can’t sell it…
Jeeeez. A gram of pure stuff is enough to get both my partner and I zooted for like three nights straight.
Fuck yeah. I want to be able to buy cocaine as easily as I can buy whisky.
The monkey’s paw curls its finger. Alcohol has been criminalised, and is now equally easy to buy as cocaine.
Nah, we did it, it got easier to find.
An important caveat though:
“The authors explain that one of the limitations of this study is that drug harms are functions of their availability and legal status in the UK, and so other cultures’ control systems could yield different rankings.”
Cocaine is still illegal, and by extension less available. I’m no expert, but I have to imagine that is affecting the rankings here significantly.
Yeah, but it’s be hard to tell whether legalization would lower the rating or raise it as there’s a lot of confounding factors. For example overdoses and direct mortality would probably go down since people could dose properly instead of guessing. Crime and financial issues could also go down with an open market making it cheaper and safer.
On the other hand larger scale societal problems could be revealed by mass availability. Also more health problems from chronic use could be revealed once legalization allows for more and larger studies. Or maybe current studies on it are overestimating the harms because current illicit cocaine users tend to be unhealthy for other reasons and your average person will have less problems with cocaine use.
Either way I think it’d be hard to argue cocaine isn’t at least on the same level as alcohol and should be legal. Contrary to mainstream discourse that views it as some evil powder that will make you addicted if you even look at it.
I’m generally in favor of legalization, but we should go into it with the best, most accurate information we have about the potential impacts so preparations and safety nets can be made in advance.
Shroomers don’t harm others, how polite <3
I wish we could talk about cocaine like we talk about beers and marijuana.
The Bolivian Cocaine Strain is the best tasting one in my opinion.
That’s perfectly normal. They have no incentive to lie, do they…?
So do alcohol companies, and they have a way higher marketing budget to convince you it’s harmless and just a fun thing to do when you hang out with your attractive friends.
I don’t know if this is true today, but it was definitely true at first. But because of cocaine prohibition, the powder became incrisingly purer and the plant increasingly stronger. Prohibition made cocaine a more dangerous substance to consume.
Legalization and regulation could bring standardization to the cultivation and processing of this plant. But as far as I know that has not happened with weed, so it is unlikely.
Keeping the whiskey out of the microwave is more about taste.
When its german big pharma its ok, when its made by south americans its not ok.