“before he saw the rise of liberalism” lol, some people really think liberalism was invented in the 1900’s
Or the 1990’s even
This right here. It’s some end of history bullshit of liberals patting themselves on the back right before the shit they threw in the fan starts to fly back in their own faces. Oh liberalism solved all the problems and everything is going to get better now? What’s all the stuff you rammed under the rug before I walked in?
Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Northrup-Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bombers hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in liberalism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal in AmeriKKKa.
I’m a simple yeoman factory owner with my multinational homestead.
Every home doubles as a small factory, that way everyone is a Capitalist and a Worker
there was a bit more context to be fair, they were saying that because robots will “do everything” in the near future (“if not already today”), and somehow (through the power of friendship and liberalism?) everyone would have their own robot that works for them, thus everyone would be owning class
And who builds the robots? Who maintains the robots? Who mines the resources that are necessary for the production of robots?
Ah see, it’s robots all the way down.
That only works under fully automated space communism. Otherwise, the capitalists own all the robots, and thus everything else. How do they expect us all to buy robots when they’re taking all our jobs? Why would the capitalists share all their wealth when we’re less productive? That’s basically communism. Except liberals think we can get there purely through vibes and technological progress without changing the oppressive systems we live under.
That fantasy has always irked me somewhat. I do love the idea of automation having solved the need for work (though we are almost there already, the amount of people needed to make anything is so low. But we gotta consume instead and we gotta give money to the pigs), but when it’s talking of robots it always makes me think of how the word originally meant “slave”. Ugh.
Great Leap Foward
It’s incredible to see sometimes because if you read between the drier lines about linen and such, Marx had such an accurate view on society that persists even now over a century later
I forgot which piece it was but there’s a piece where he talks about the worker being asked to reduce all their non-essential expenses and just become automatons who sleep, eat, and work, and it is nearly identical to modern Bloomberg and FT articles about how workers should get rid of Netflix and other entertainment expenses instead of getting higher wages
Sure I steal the value of your labor and my vast wealth has doubled over the pandemic to be the equivalent to hundreds of thousands of you, but have you considered no more coffee in the morning? Stoping one of your few simple pleasures in this hell-world that you manage to enjoy before walking into the place you despise to do work you’re alienated from for people you hate? I promise it’ll solve all your money problems. And if you can’t manage that, then clearly all of your problems are your fault and not mine.
That’s the one, cheers comrade
It’s Das Kapital, the section on the length of workday I think.
Yet another take on Marx from someone who’s never read Marx
“A world where everyone is a capitalist” AND YOU DONT SEE A FUCKING PROBLEM WITH THAT?
Marx obviously didn’t forsee the block chain and everyone owning Bitcoin
I kind of respect doing this bit, but for liberalism, with marx.
The idea is for everyone to be a worker-owner and to make one indistinguishable from the other.
God, has anybody ever heard of Hegelian dialectics?
fun fact, he finished it (The Phenomenology of Spirit) the day that the french entered and looted his Town (Jena) right before the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt that would happend the next morning and then send his only manuscript in the middle of this Mayham , where he also saw napoleon riding around.
“I saw the Emperor – this world-soul [Weltseele] – riding out of the city on reconnaissance. It is indeed a wonderful sensation to see such an individual, who, concentrated here at a single point, astride a horse, reaches out over the world and masters it.”
Wealth inequality is at or near the highest level in US history. Globally, 85% of all wealth is owned by 10% and the bottom 50% own less than 1%. Everyone has been becoming a worker or lumpen as wealth concentrates in the hands of fewer and fewer capitalists.
Genuinely curious what quirk of fate caused this person to develop an understanding of the world along these lines. This isn’t standard western brainworms.
based on the reply chain, he’s some kind of libertarian - pro-elon/bezos (ethical billionaires), but anti-kings/warlords/dictators (unethical billionaires). super heavy on the “great men with great ideas”, and capitalism/workers being the enabler for making their ideas happen. he was also posting this in r/neoliberal, if that helps (it doesn’t)
bonus round:
Very silly.
I’ve never seen
as great as that.
Ya this sounds very Randian.
Considering that other bit of context, my guess would be privileged tech person, someone who only sees that things are good for them and assumes that this can work for everyone in the world
Unfortunately an increasingly common type of person.
Isn’t liberalism from the 1700’s?
no liberalism was created when this guy was born, along with the rest of the universe
No sweaty Clinton invented it in the 1990s
I’m guessing OOP is America-brained enough to think “liberalism” means neoliberal with
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith was first published in 1776, a few months before the American Declaration of Independence founded the first fully capitalist revolution trying to seperate itself from a monarchy. While the US would adopt a lot of Smith’s ideas, most of their philosophy on how to form a government came from Locke, with some Calvanism and Hobbes thrown in, all of whom were from the century prior.
All this to say yes, classical liberalism was conceived in the late 1600s going into the 1700s, then put into practice by the end of the 18th. Century.
If everyone is a capitalist, then capitalism does not exist. That is so fucking basic. Someone has to own the means of production and extract labor value from others, without that then there is no capitalism
What if we all own our own means of production and also exploit value from each other
Everyone stands in a circle, swinging a hammer to produce one value, and in between each swing you pick pocket 1 value from the person on your right. I have solved the contradiction
Not everyone wants (or needs) to dropship bullshit from China or do crypto scams which is what these dipshits always have in mind
Marx’s antics playing the stock market would blow this dweeb’s mind
Imbiber trading
how are people this stupid