FYI: The American Red Cross has a pretty nice (and completely free) app that’ll send you push notifications for all kinds of different emergencies.
You can set up multiple locations to monitor (in addition to your live location) and select which types of emergency events you want to hear about for each one.
This is the future they want.
Why get warnings for “free”(tax funded) through a costly government service when you can get warnings for $19.99 per month, with annual price hikes for “inflation”. EULA declares warnings are not guaranteed, and subscription is non-refundable.
Won’t someone think of the C-Suite and defund NOAA and NWS already?!? /s
Is this satire? Its hard to tell these days.
Our premium users already know if this is stire or not. Why don’t you join them?
Don’t be a dick… here you go OP:
[Content visible only to Lemmy Gold subscribers. Buy a 12 month tokens bundle and get 10% off!]
This 16 minute John Oliver piece should be required viewing regarding weather information:
So how about a federated weather service.
The NOAA’s data already is crowdsourced. (Technically not the same as “federated,” but similar ethos.) Accuweather is trying to steal it.
More info:, insanely, archive links because this is the worst fucking timeline: is how it started too! People sharing observations over letters and then telegraph.
Because screenshots of social media posts are not journalism:Actually, I’ll restate that. Because people tend to believe screenshots of social media posts as gospel truth even though they are not journalism:
The link displayed in the image redirects to
Which doesn’t load, with or without the ?hss… part.
I’m not finding the X post by Accuweather, because the scroll only goes back to August 2024 so far as I can tell. However, this appears to stem from a May 8, 2024 storm
The page is cached by Kagi, but not in the web archives.
Yeah, I restated my first sentence, because I’m not throwing shade on you at all.
If I was going to throw shade on you, it would be for failing to embed Saddam Hussein in the image.
That’s reserved for special occasions.