Neat! Really drives home just how recent colonialism was, doesn’t it?
Also, TIL Tripoli was a country, for some reason I thought it was a city this whole time lol. Oops. American public schools 😂😅
Side note, “Abyssinia” was a dope name
Oh good I’m not an idiot haha thanks
Libya consists of three things: Tripoli, Bengahzi, and a whole fucking lot of Sahara
To me it’s remarkable how most of those arbitrary borders are still there today. Also how few of those “proposed” railways got built. As for the red words - seems much of the desert (as well as some rainforest) is covered in “feathers”, why were these so important? (Well I suppose tycoons still think that way - only current fashion is rare metals for phones).
protip: if you see a lot of straight borders, that territory was divided by another empire.
I bless the rains