I 100% know and understand why we hate Rowling, she deserves all the hate she gets, but why do we hate the work itself? I watched those movies when I was little when they were on TV, now couldn’t care less, and only interesting part to me are mythical creatures/monsters. But I still forgot why do we hate it so much??
Can someone remind me and explain me?
Apart from all the reasons everyone has listed, she’s also a TERF piece of shit and a loud and outspoken one at that. She’s contributed heavily to the normalisation of transphobia in the UK by giving liberal reactionaries someone “important” (🤮) to rally to regarding their bigotry and legitimised her view point and by extension others by virtue of her poorly written and bigoted children’s book. The BBC gave her an award for a particular article she penned on her TERF views and it was quite publicised so her role in the state apparatus of demonising and scapegoating another minority group are fairly significant.