So I was browsing reddit out of boredom, and I saw a random post on the hoi4 subreddit and I clicked it without much thought. It was about Chinese players giving bad reviews to the game due to India getting cores for Tibet but not China. I clicked on it due to my masochistic desire to see if anyone else would recognize how stupid it was, and was sorely disappointed.
There were the usual ‘muh ccp’ jokes there, also shit about ‘west taiwan’ (ah yes ‘I understand history very well’), and then one guy who really caught my attention saying Chinese ‘people’ (savages) don’t matter because they speak a different language from ‘us’ (the civilized white people). Now granted that isn’t the most charitable interpretation, but… like… come on, this is reddit.
Shit like this makes my blood boil. Because libs will go, ‘oh we accept everyone!’ ‘we hate the government not the people!’ and drop the most disgusting garbage like this because they’re proud little pigs knowing how much propaganda they can fucking shove down their own throats and see an entire race as subhuman. I’ve always thought reeducation was better than punishment and that a lot of these folks are simply misguided, but jesus christ they’re not making it easy for me to suppress the desire to bind them to a rock with metal chains and beat their ribs to pieces with my bare fists and/or a metal bar while screaming “BEG FOR MERCY NOW YOU RACIST SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!”
It gets even more frustrating when it’s people you know in real life. I have a trans friend who generally has pretty good takes on stuff like palestine, disabled rights etc, but even he regurgitates the same shit from the state department and about how he’d ‘definitely kill xi if he got the chance.’
It’s so fucking tiring that these assholes can just turn the ‘counts as human’ switch on and off whenever they want for whatever race they want and suffer no consequences whatsoever. Really makes me wish I could Diver Down their screens and remind them of the weight of their words by bashing in their pale distorted sweaty reddit faces.
rant over.
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My grandparents are/were catholic, but I’ve turned them into hardcore communists, and my despite me being atheist, my grandma thinks that alot of communist ideals are far more inline with Christ’s teachings than anything the Church preaches
Seems like this is accurate ,l I’ve seen a lot of Christian’s Especially from Protestant and Anglican Churches Who are religious and Unironically Marxist-Leninist, something that gives me hope. I guess
I’m the biggest hater of religion and a staunch atheist. But I will admit that I have a modicrum of respect for liberation theology, and find it beautiful.
And I stan the fuck out of Hezbollah and Hamas and John Brown.
I’ve been getting into hermetic kabbalah, Lon* Duquette and Manly P. Hall lately.
Ah, mysticism and music. I find gnosticism fascinating.
Crowley is deep AF but requires not dismissing nor even thinking he was a Satanist. And you have to hunt, if you’re interested. Duquette is a help.
I thought Crowley being a satanist was relatively skin-deep?
Yes! And no! Think Augeries of Innocence or Vitruvian Man, or "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and even The Magic Flute Which brings us back the way of the oroboros to the blursed Tree! Or “all paths lead home.” Eta: That said, Yeats was entirely opposed to Crowley’s admission to the Golden Dawn and there was a bit of a feud between them, which is at once amusIng and not. Yeats had valid points.
There are probably people who literally blood sacrifice to honor or obtain things from Satan. They are probably a bit delulu. Or outright frauds like that satanic panic author from the 80s, The Satan Seller. Animal sacrifice in magic is sacrificing the worst beast qualities to rid us of sin, nasty qualities, but then you’re headed into astrological territory.
If you really want to dig in, YT channels are plentiful.
Eta: I probably could have just referenced superposition and entanglement.
Pay taxes, feed, clothe, heal people, look after prisoners, be nice to people, otherwise myob. I see it.
Same here. What’s the point of human civilization/society, if it’s not to enjoy our lives, make sure everyone is taken care of, cause the least amount of harm possible, have fun, and uplift each other?