Wrote a comment here but felt like making this a whole post would be good.

I see it a lot here that people mock pol-face dudes and saying they’ve never seen a woman naked and that’s why they’re mad lmao

But by saying things like that, we’re actively supporting the idea that in order to be worth something (especially as a man), you need to get laid and if you don’t, you’re a loser.

This is the reason incels and pol-face dudes are as hateful as they are. They can’t get laid and for that, society mocks them, repeatedly, to no end. It’s shameful. I lost my virginity rather late and it weighed heavily on me for a long time, and had I been around different people I could’ve easily gone down the wrong end, I think.

Basically: Stop using “virgin” as an insult, you’re perpetuating an insanely toxic aspect of our culture. It doesn’t matter whether or not you fuck. Being a virgin doesn’t make you any less valuable.

Also I have no idea what community to put this in wtf

  • RandyLahey [he/him]@hexbear.net
    3 years ago

    just wanna mention the profound negative impact on my generation (and probably younger people too) of the movie american pie. it came out when i was like 16 and was one of the biggest movies of the time and instantly entered the zeitgeist, and the whole premise was that if you didnt lose your virginity before you went to university, you were a profound failure as a person, and the main characters all spend the whole movie trying to get laid - and the triumphant ending is that they manage to get laid so phew they dont have to give up their man cards, not that they came to terms with it not being the be-all and end-all of your social status. it had a huge impact on guys of my age, and truly ramped up the desperation to not be “that loser”, and i think you could probably trace it back as one of the major precursors of the whole incel thing. i have absolutely no doubt that it led to a whole truckload of sexual assault and gross behavior as well, seriously fuck that movie

    the overwhelming impression that ive gotten as ive gotten older is that most of the macho sex bragging was absolute bullshit, and that the majority of people lost their virginity far later than popular media would have us believe, and if there wasnt this ridiculous pressure from popular media then life would have been a whole lot more pleasant for everyone