Consensus is the instinctive collective response of the mind to the world whereas truth is its regimented output. This is most obvious in the evolution of language, the truth in this instance is things like definitions, syntax and grammar but this is all after the event and looking back explanation. The real growth of language is from consensus. The definition of the word gay in original form by etymology was carefree and happy which is it’s truth but by consensus of usage it was altered to mean homosexuality, which is an entirely separate definition. The consensus idea very easily overran that of truth and became what is real.
Consensus is the instinctive collective response of the mind to the world whereas truth is its regimented output. This is most obvious in the evolution of language, the truth in this instance is things like definitions, syntax and grammar but this is all after the event and looking back explanation. The real growth of language is from consensus. The definition of the word gay in original form by etymology was carefree and happy which is it’s truth but by consensus of usage it was altered to mean homosexuality, which is an entirely separate definition. The consensus idea very easily overran that of truth and became what is real.