It seems the US is on a warpath. They really do want china to invade. Hopefully this game of chicken doesn’t end in nuclear annihilation.

    2 years ago

    Also, the longer they keep it going the more “free real estate” will be generated there as Ukraine becomes increasingly weakened and impoverished and reliant on permanent outside “help” in “recovering” (neoliberal reforms).

    Western governments and corporations met in Switzerland to plan harsh neoliberal economic policies to impose on post-war Ukraine, calling to cut labor laws, “open markets,” drop tariffs, deregulate industries, and “sell state-owned enterprises to private investors.”

    Starting in 2017, representatives of Western governments and corporations quietly held annual conferences in which they discussed ways to profit from the civil war they were fueling in Ukraine.

    Weapons manufacturers make bank now, while the “clean up crew” of neoliberal reformers are making way for other industries to buy up and drain Ukraine. So many weapons disappearing into the black market has the potential to create a permanent goldmine of instability where Ukraine will have to keep constantly rebuilding on the West’s terms and keep labor costs low.

    I think politicians and state media will play hot potato with the issue and drop it whenever is convenient for them but the plunder will go on.

    • PeeOnYou [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It’s multi pronged. Ukraine will be forced to borrow from the IMF and World Bank in the same endless debt-cycle that has created the entire “Third World”. Their resources will be given to the global corps to squeeze as much profit as possible while the majority of Ukranians will work ever harder for less and less.

      At the end of the day it’s all backed by the missile and the jet, so there really is no objection that will stand.

      Such is the playbook that has worked so well for the parasitic capitalist class