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  • Muad'
    2 years ago

    For me it was:

    Freshman level (intros and essays)

    • Zinn - people’s history of the US
    • Paul d’amatto - the meaning of marxism
    • Engels - principles of communism
    • communist manifesto
    • Marx - wage labor and capital

    Sophomore level ( ML thought )

    • Engels - socialism utopian and scientific
    • Lenin - State and revolution, left-wing communism
    • luxemburg - reform or revolution
    • stalin - foundations of leninism
    • Castro - my life

    Graduate level Marxism (dependency theory, labor aristocracy theory, settler-colonialism, SWCC)

    • cope - Divided world, divided class
    • smith - imperialism in the 21st century
    • dunbar-ortiz - indigenous peoples history of the US
    • rodney - how europe underdeveloped Africa.
    • collected works of deng xiaoping
    • boer - swcc, a guide for foreigners